Evolution of Conjugate Footpoints
inside Flare Ribbons during a Great Two-Ribbon Flare on 2001 April 10
Authors: Asai, Ayumi; Ishii, Takako T.; Kurokawa, Hiroki;
Yokoyama, Takaaki; Shimojo, Masumi
We report a
detailed examination of the fine structure inside flare ribbons and the
temporal evolution of such structure during an X2.3 solar flare, which occurred
on 2001 April 10. We examined fine structures, such as systems of conjugate footpoints, inside flare ribbons by using the Halpha images obtained with the Sartorius
telescope at Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University. We identified the conjugate footpoints of each Halpha kernel
in both flare ribbons by a new method that uses cross-correlation functions of
the light curves. We also compared the sites of the Halpha
kernels with the spatial configurations of flare loops seen in the
extreme-ultraviolet images obtained with the Transition Region and Coronal
Explorer. We found that the highly correlated pairs of Halpha
kernels were connected by flare loops seen in the 171 Å images. Investigating
such fine structures inside the flare ribbons, we can follow the history of
energy release and perhaps acquire key information about particle acceleration.