Title: |
Evolution of flare ribbons and energy
release |
Authors: Asai, A.; Masuda, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Shimojo, M.; Kurokawa, H.; Ishii, T. T.; Shibatal, K.
We examined
the relation between the evolutions of the Halpha
flare ribbons and the released magnetic energies at a solar flare which
occurred on 2001 April 10. This is the first study to evaluate the released
energy quantitatively, based on the magnetic reconnection model, and by using
the data obtained with the multi-wavelength observation. We measured the photospheric magnetic field strengths and the separation
speeds of the fronts of the Halpha flare ribbon, and
compared them the nonthermal behaviors observed in HXRs and microwaves. Those nonthermal
radiation sources tell us when and where large energy releases occur. Then, by
using the photospheric and chromospheric
features, we estimated the released magnetic energy at the flare. The estimated
energy release rates at the Halpha kernels associated
with the HXR sources are locally large enough to explain the difference between
the spatial distribution the Halpha
kernels and the HXR sources. Their temporal evolution of the energy release
rates also shows peaks corresponding to HXR bursts.