G1, 9921352-2, A0:IS:20, 909153 Kerr F. J. and Rodgers, A. W. ed. The galaxy and the magellanic cloudes. (IAU-URSI symposium no.20, Canberra, March 18-28, 1963) Camberra, Australian Academy of Science, 1964, 393p, 25cm G2, 9921351-4, A8:Ho:1965, 909155 Hoyle, Fred Galaxies, nuclei and quasars. New York, Harper & Row, 1965, 160p, 22cm G3, 9921350-6, A70:Ka:1966, 909162 Kaplan, S. A. Interstellar gas dynamics. Oxford, Pergamon, c1966, 126p, 23cm G4, 9921349-8, A8:St:1965, 909169 The structure and evolution of galaxies, proceedings of the 13th Conference on Physics at the Unitersity of Brussels, September 1964. (Interational Institute of Physics) London, Interscience, 1965, 174p, 24cm G5, 9921348-0, A70:Te:1968, 909232 Terzian, Yervant ed. Interstellar ionized hydrogen. New York, W. A. Benjamin, 1968, 774p, 24cm G6, 9921347-2, A0:IS:31, 909240 Woerden, Hugo van ed. Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System. (IAU Symposium no.31, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 1966) London, Academic Press, 1967, 501p, 25cm G7, 9921346-4, A0:IS:38, 909247 Becker, W., and Contopoulos, G. eds. The Spiral Structure of Our Galaxy. (IAU Symposium no.38, Basel, 1969) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., c1970, 478p, 24cm G8, 9921345-6, A70:Sp:1968, 909249 Spitzer, Lyman Jr. Diffuse matter in space. (Interscience tracts on physics and astronomy, 28) New York, Interscince, c1968, 262p, 21cm G9, 9921344-9, A13:So:1979, 909262 Somogyi, A. ed. Origin and galactic phenomena: Proceedings of International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 11th, Budapest, 1966, vol.1. (Acta physica, supplement to vol.29 ) Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 1979, 24cm G10, 9921343-1, A70:Pi:1974, 909305 Pinkau, K. ed. The interstellar medium; proceedings of the NATO advanced study institutes, Schliersee, Ger., 1973. (NATO Advanced Study Institute series C, Vol.6) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., c1974, 298p, 25cm G11, 9921342-3, A14:Ve:1974, 909307 Verschuur, Gerrit L. and Kellermann, Kenneth I. ed. Galactic and extra-galactic radio astronomy. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1974, 402p, 27cm G12, 9921353-0, A70:Go:1973, 909308 Gordon, M. A. and Snyder, Lewis E. eds. Molecules in the galactic environment. New York, Wiley, c1973, 475p, 24cm G13, 9921360-5, A0:IS:58, 909321 Shakeshaft, John R. ed. The Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies. (IAU Symposium No.58, Held in Canberra, Australia, Aug., 1973) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1974, 441p G14, 9921359-7, A0:IS:60, 909322 Kerr, F. J. and Simonson, S. C. eds. Galactic Radio Astronomy. (IAU Symposium No.60, held at Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia, Sept., 1973) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1974, 654p G15, 9921358-9, A8:Sa:1975, 909355 Sandage, A., Sandage, M. and Kristian, J. eds. Galaxies and the Universe. (Stars and Stellar Systems IX) Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1975, 818p G16, 9921357-1, A70:Mi:1968, 909382 Middlehurst, B. M. and Aller, L. H. eds. Nebulae and Interstellar Matter. (Stars and Stellar Systems VII) Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1968, 835p G17, 9921356-3, A72:Bl:1965, 909380 Blaauw, A. and Schmidt, M. eds. Galactic Structure. (Stars and Stellar Systems V) Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1965, 606p G18, 9921355-5, A82:Pa:1977, 909304 Pacholczyk, A. G. Radio Galaxies: Radiation transfer, dynamics, stability and evolution of a synchrotron plasmon. (International Series in Natural Philosophy Vol.89) Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1977, 293p G19, 9921354-8, A0:IS:77, 909408 Berkhuijsen, E. M. and Wielebinski, R. eds. Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies. (IAU Symposium No.77, held in Bad Munstereifel F.R.G., 1977) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1978, 307p G20, 9921372-0, A70:Sp:1978, 909426 Spitzer, L. Jr. Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium. John Wiley & Suns, Ins., 1978, 318p G21, 9921371-2, A70:So:1980, 909433 Solomon, P. M. and Edmunds, M. G. eds. Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy: Third Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop. Pergamon Press, 1980, 344p G22, 9921370-4, P4:Go:1980, 消耗品 Gorkom, J. H. van Aperture Synthesis Observations of Recombination Lines from Compact HII Regions. Drukkerij Dijkstra Niemeijer bv, Groningen, 1980, 114p G23, 9921369-6, A72:Ri:1982, 909502 Riegler, Guenter R. and Blandford, Roger D. eds. The Galactic Center: California Institte of Technology, 1982. (Aip Conference Proceedings No.83) New York, American Institute of Physics, 1982, 215p G24, 9921368-8, A13:Mo:1983, 909511 Morfill, G. E. and Buccheri, R. eds. Galactic Astrophysics and Gamma-Ray Astronomy: Proceedings of a meeting Organised in the Context of the XVIII General Assembly of the I.A.U., Greece, 1982. Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1983, 335p G25, 9921367-0, A0:IS:101, 909512 Danziger, John and Gorenstein, Paul eds. Supernova Remnants and Their X-Ray Emission. (IAU Symposium No.101, Venice, 1982) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1983, 614p G26, 9921366-2, A8:Se:1982, 909514 Sersic, J. L. Extragalactic Astronomy: Lecture Notes from Cordoba Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1982, 245p G27, 9921365-4, A0:IS:97, 909519 Heeschen, David S. and Wade, Campbell M. eds. Extragalactic Radio Sources. (IAU Symposium No.97, Albuquerque Aug. 1981) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1982, 490p G28, 9921364-7, A72:Ku:1982, 909533 Kuhn, Ludwig The Milkey Way: The Structure and Development of Our Star System. Chichester, John Wiley & Suns, 1982, 151p G29, 9921361-3, A82:Dy:1985, 909544 Dyson, J. E. ed. Active Galactic nuclei. Manchester University Press, 1985, 382p G30, 9921363-9, A70:Ka:1985, 909549 Kafatos, Mians C. and Henry, Richard B. C. eds. The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants: Proceedings of a workshop held at George Mason University, Virginia, 1984. Cambridge University Press, 1985, 285p G31, 9921362-1, A8:St:1986, 909567 Giuricin, G., Mardirossian, F., Mezzet, M. and Ramella, M. eds. Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei: International Meeting Apr., 1985. (Astrophys. and Space Sci. Library vol.121) Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1986, 772p G32, 9890835-3, AO:IS:135 Allamandola L. J. and Tielens, A. G. G. M. eds. Interstellar dust (IAU Symposium 135th, Santa Clara, Calif., 1988) Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1989, 525p, 25cm G33, 9890533-4, AO:IS:136 Morris, Mark ed. The center of the galaxy (IAU Symposium 136th, Los Angels, 1988) Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1989, 661p, 25cm G34, 9891686-9, AO:IC:101 Roger, R. S. and Landecker, T. L. eds. Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium (IAU Colloquium 101st, Penticton, 1987) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988, 540p, 26cm G35, 9891695-0, A14:Ve:1988 Verschuur, Gerrit L., Kellerman, K. I. ed. Galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, c1988, 2nd ed., 694p, 25cm G36, 9891724-8, A8:Me:1989 Meisenheimer, K., Roser, H. -J. eds. Hot spots in extragalactic radio sources : Proceedings, Tegernsee, 1988. (Lecture notes in physics; 327) Berlin, Springer-Verlag, c1989, 301p, 25cm G37, 9891728-9, A8:Ep:1989 Frenk, Carlos S. et al. eds. The Epoch of galaxy formation : Proceedings of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop, Durham, U. K., 1988. (NATO ASI series, C; v.264) Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1989, 445p, 25cm G38, 9935984-6, A70:Ru:1983 Ruprecht J. and Palous J. eds. Star clusters and associations and their relation to the evolution of the galaxy. Praha, 1983 G39, 9936002-6, A82:Lo:1987 NASA Star Formation in Galaxies ; Proceedings of a conference held at the California Institute of Technology. (NASA CP2466) NASA, 1987, 788p, 28cm G40, 9936048-9, A89:Sa:1988 Sandage, A. and Bedke, J. Atlas of Galaxies ; Useful for measuring the cosmological distance scale. (NASA SP496) NASA, 1988, 52cm G41, 9936000-0, A82:Ho:1990 Hollenbach, D. J. and Thronson, H. A. Jr. The Interstellar Medium in External Galaxies; Proceedings of the Second Wyoming Conference, 1989. (NASA SP3084) NASA, 1990, 401p, 28cm (2003.5.28)