I1, 9921382-9, M99:Kr:1964, 909128
Krassner, George N. and Michaels, Jackson V.
Introduction to space communication systems.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1964, 388p, 24cm

I2, 9921381-1, S4:La:1965, 909159
Lathi, B. P.
Signals, Systems and Communication.
New York, J. Wiley, c1965, 607p, 25cm

I3, 9921380-3, S4:Ba:1965, 909251
Balakrishnan, A. V. ed.
Advances in communication systems: Theory and applications;Vol.1
New York, Academic Press, 1965, 24cm

I4, 9921379-5, P3:St:1974, 909311
Stroke, G. w., Kock, W. E., Kikuchi, Y. and Tsujiuchi, J.
Ultrasonic Imaging and Holography, Medical, Sonar, and Optical Application.
New York, Plenum Press, 1974, 642p

I5, 9921378-7, M8:Fu:1976, 909343
Fuller, Wayne A.
Introduction to statistical time series. (Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics)
New York, J. Wiley, c1976, 470p, 24cm

I6, 9921377-9, M9:Wa:1975, 909346
Walker, B. S., Gurd, J. R. and Drawneek, E. A.
Interactive Computer Graphics. (Computer systems engineering series)
New York, C. Russak, 1976, c1975, 160p, 24cm

I7, 9921376-1, P0:CP:1, 909350
Alder, Berni and others ed.
Statistical Physics. (Methods in computational physics, v.1)
New York, Academic Press, 1963, 304p

I8, 9921375-3, P0:CP:13, 909349
Alder, Berni and others ed.
Geophysics. (Methods in computational physics, v.13)
New York, Academic Press, 1973

I9, 9921374-6, P0:CP:9, 909368
Alder, Berni and others ed.
Plasma physics. (Methods in computational physics, v.9)
New York, Academic Press, 1970

I10, 9921373-8, P0:CP:14, 909339
Alder, Berni and others ed.
Radio Astronomy. (Methods in computational physics, v.14)
New York, Academic Press, 1975

I11, 9921396-9, M4:Ot:1972, 909372
Otnes, Robert K. and Enochson, Loren
Digital Time Series Analysis.
John Wiley & Sons, 1972, 467p

I12, 9921395-1, A12:Bi:1976, 909373
Biskamp, D. ed.
Computing in Plasma Physics and Astrophysics. (Proceedings of the Second European Conference, Garching, 1976)
Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Cam., 1976, 124p

I13, 9921394-4, SE4:Ta:1977, 909378
Tacconi, G. ed.
Aspects of Signal Processing (With Emphasis on Underwater Acoustics) Part 1 : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Portovenere, Italy, 1976)
Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1977, 400p

I14, 9921393-6, SE4:Ta:1977, 909379
Tacconi, G. ed.
Aspects of Signal Processing (With Emphasis on Underwater Acoustics) Part 2 : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Portovenere, Italy, 1976)
Dordrecht, D. Ridel Publishing Com., 1977, 401-787p

I15, 9921392-8, M9:Ag:1977, 909398
Aggarwal, J. K., Duda, R. O., Rosenfeld, A. eds.
Computer Methods in Image Analysis. (A volume in the IEEE Press Selected Reprint Series)
IEEE Press, 1977, 466p

I16, 9921391-0, M8:En:1977, 909395
Enslein, K., Ralston, A., Wilf, H. S. eds.
Statistical Methods for Digital Computers. (Mathemarical Methods for Digital Computers vol. III)
John Wiley & Sons, 1977, 454p

I17, 9921390-2, P5:Ch:1977, 909386
Chang, J. ed.
General Circulation Models of the Atmosphere. (Methods in Computational Physics Vol.17)
Academic Press, 1977, 337p

I18, 9921389-4, P71:Pu:1976, 909392
Pouring, A. A. and Shah, V. L. eds.
Numerical / Laboratory Computer Methods in Fluid Mechanics. (Presented at The Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Enginners, New York, 1976)
The Americam Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1976, 389p

I19, 9921388-6, M00:Tw:1977, 909404
Twomey, S.
Introduction to the Mathematics of Inversion in Remote Sensing and Indirect Measurements. (Developments in Geomathematics 3)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Com., 1977

I20, 9921387-8, P6:He:1979, 909439
Herman, G. T. ed.
Image Reconstruction from Projections: Implementation and Applications. (Topics in Applied Physics Vol.32)
Berlin, Spring-Verlag, 1979, 284p

I21, 9921385-2, P6:He:1980, 909454
Herman, Gabor T.
Image Reconstruction from Projections. (The Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography)
Academic Press, 1980, 316p

I22, 9921386-0, M8:Ch:1978, 909452
Childers, Donald G. ed.
Modern Spectrum Analysis. (A volume in the IEEE Press Selected Reprint Series)
IEEE Press, 1978, 334p

I23, 9921383-7, P41:Bl:1981, 909459
Blass, William E. and Halsey, George W.
Deconvolution of Absorption Spectra.
Academic Press, 1981, 158p

I24, 9921406-6, S4:Di:1979, 909471
Digital Signal Processing Committee ed.
Programs for Digital Signal Processing. 
New York, IEEE Press, 1979

I25, 9921405-8, M71:He:1982, 909479
Henrici, Peter
Essential of Numerical Analysis with Pocket Calculator Demonstrations.
John Wiley & Sons, 1982, 409p

I26, 9921404-1, P71:Pe:1983, 909492
Peyret, Roger and Taylor, Thomas D.
Computational Methods for Fluid Flow.
New York, Spronger-Verlag, 1983, 358p

I27, 9921403-3, P0:CP:16, 909573
Killeen, John ed.
Controlled Fusion. (Methods in Computational Physics. Vol.16)
Academic Press, 1976, 450p

I28, 9921402-5, M9:Gr:1982, 909499
Greenaway, D. S. and Warman, E. A. eds.
Eurographics '82: Proceedings of the Onternational Conference an Exhibition, U.M.I.S.T.(U.K.), 1982
North-Holland Publishing Com., 1982, 419p

I29, 9921401-7, M71:Pa:1982, 909500
Pavlidis, Theo
Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing.
Rockville, Computer Science Press, 1982, 416p

I30, 9921400-9, S4:Ca:1984, 909536
Cappellini, V. and Constantinides, A. G.
Digital Signal Processing - 84 : Proceedings of the International Conference, Florence, Italy, 1984
Amsterdam, Elsevier Scence Publishers B. V., 1984, 914p

I31, 9921399-3, M9:Ek:1984, 909545
Ekstrom, Michael P. ed.
Digital Image Processing Techniques. (Computational Techniques Vol. 2)
Academic Press, Ins., 1984, 372p

I32, 9921398-5, S4:Ts:1985, 909548
Tsang, Leung, Kong, Jin Au  and Shin, Robert T.
Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing. (Wiley Series in Remote Sensing, ed. by Kong Jin Au.)
John Wiley & Sons, 1985, 613p

I33, 9921397-7, M9:Ya:1979, 909558
Yaroslavsky, L. P.
Digital Picture Processing An Introduction. (Springer Series in Informarion Sciences Vol.9)
Springer-Verlag, 1979, 276p

I34, 9935996-0, M4:St:1961
Stanton, Ralph G.
Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering.
Tokyo, Maruzen Com., ltd., 1961, 266p, 22cm

I35, 9935995-2, M71:He:1964
Henrici, Peter
Elements of Numerical Analysis.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1964, 328p, 22cm

I36, 9936001-8, M9:St:1984
Optical Information Processing for Aerospace Applications II. (CP 2302)
NASA, 1984, 267p, 28cm

I37, 9935997-8, P71:Fa:1959
Faddeeva, V. N.
Computational methods of linear algebra.
New York, Dover Publications, Inc., 1959, 252p, 21cm

I38, 9924430-3, M71:Nu:1992
Press, William H. et al.
Numerical recipes in FORTRAN: The art of scientific computing.
Cambridge University Press, 1992, 963p, 26cm

I39, 9924431-1, M71:Nu:1992
Vetterling, William T. et al.
Numerical recipes: example book (FORTRAN).
Cambridge University Press, 1992, 245p, 23cm

I40, 9925585-3, M8:Ha:1996
Hanson, Kenneth M. and Silver, Richard N. eds
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. (Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop, Santa Fe, USA, 1995, Fundamental Theories of Physics Vol.79)
Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1996, 451p, 25cm

I41, 31010027, M99:C:1999
William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky,William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery
Numerical Recipes in C 
The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition 
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, c1999,994p;25cm  ISBN 0-521-43108-5 

I42, 31010026, M99:C:2002
William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky,William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery
Numerical Recipes in C++
The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, c2002,1002p;26cm  ISBN 0-521-75033-4

I43, 31010028, M99:Fo:1996
William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky,William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery
Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90
The Art of Parallel Scientific Computing Second Edition 
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, c1996,1485p;25cm  ISBN 0-521-57439-0 

I44, 31010038, M99:Fo:1999
Michael metcalf and John Reid
Fortran 90/95 Explained Second Edition
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, c1999,341P;24cm  ISBN 0-19-850558-2

I45, 31010030, M99:C:1999
Robert Sedgewick
Algorithms in C Third Edition Parts 1-4
ADDISON-WESLEY, c1999,702p;23cm  ISBN 0-201-31452-5

I46, 31010031, M99:C:2002
Robert Sedgewick
Algorithms in C Third Edition Part 5
ADDISON-WESLEY, c2002,482p;23cm  ISBN 0-201-31663-3

I47, 30010270, M99:C:1999
William T. Vetterling, Saul A. Teukolsky, William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery 
Numerical Recipes Example Book [C]  Second Edition
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, c1999,325p,23cm  ISBN 0-521-43720-2

I48, 31010036, M99:C:2002
William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky,William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery
NUMERICAL RECIPES  The Art of Scientific Computing CODE CDROM v2.10 

I49, 30060009, M8:Ka:2004
Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
c2004,369p:24.5cm, ISBN 0-521-52902-6
