MW1, 9921665-7, S4:KE:1949, 909078
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Radar Systems and Components. 
D. van Nostrand Com., 1949, 1042p

MW2, 9921677-2, S4:Mo:1947, 909081
Montgomery, Carol G. ed.
Technique of microwave measurements. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radiation Laboratory series)
New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1947, 939p, 23.5cm

MW3, 9921678-0, S4:Va:1948, 909082
Van Voorhis, S. N. ed.
Microwave receivers. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radiation Laboratory Series)
New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1948, 618p, 23.5cm

MW4, 9921679-8, P6:Th:1955, 909083
Thompson, Harris A.
Alternating-current and transient circuit analysis. (McGraw-Hill electrical and electronic engineering series)
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1955, 317p, 24cm

MW5, 9921680-6, S4:Ki:1945, 909087
King, Ronold W. P. and others
Transmission lines, antennas and wave guides.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1945, 347p, 23cm

MW6, 9921681-4, S4:St:1947, 909088
Strutt, M. J. O.
Ultra- and extreme-short wave reception; pronciples, operation, and design.
New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1947, 387p, 22cm

MW7, 9921682-2, S4:Ki:1952, 909089
King, Donald D.
Measurements at centimeter wave-length. (The Van Nostrand series in communications engineering)
New York, D. Van Nostrand, c1952, 327p, 24cm

MW8, 9921667-3, S4:Ve:1, 909090
U. S. Radio Reserch Laboratory, Harvard University, 
Very high-frequency techniques, Vol.I
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1947, 24cm

MW9, 9921668-1, S4:Ve:2, 909091
U. S. Radio Reserch Laboratory, Harvard University, 
Very high-frequency techniques, Vol.II
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1947, 24cm

MW10, 9921690-5, S4:La:1954, 消耗品
Langford-Smith, F. ed.
Radio designer's handbook.
London, Iliffe, 1954, 4th ed., 1482p, 23cm

MW11, 9921691-3, S4:Ah:1954, 消耗品
Ahrendt, William R.
Servomechanism practice.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1954, 349p, 24cm

MW12, 9921664-0, P6:Ra:1948, 909092
Ragan, Goerge L. ed.
Microwave transmission cercuits. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Radiation Laboratory series, 9)
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1948, 725p, 24cm

MW13, 9921663-2, S4:Mo:1948, 909093
Montgemery, Carol Gray
Principles of microwave circuits, ed. by Dicke, R. H. and Purcell, E. M. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radiation Laboratory series, 8)
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1948, 486p, 24cm

MW14, 9921671-5, S4:Sl:1950, 909095
Slater, John C.
Microwave electronics. (The Bell Telephone Laboratories series)
New York, D. Van Nostrand, c1950, 406p, 24cm

MW15, 9921672-3, S4:Si:1949, 909096
Silver, Samuel ed.
Microwave antenna theory and design. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radiation Laboratory series, 12)
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949, 623p, 24cm

MW16, 9921673-1, S4:Ba:1950, 909097
Barlow, H. M. and Cullen, A. L.
Micro-wave measurements.
London, Constable, 1950, 399p, 23cm

MW17, 9921693-9, S4:Se:1956, 消耗品
Seely, Samuel
Electronic engineering. (McGraw-Hill electrical and electronic engineering series)
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1956, 525p, 22cm

MW18, 9921694-7, M9:Bo:1959, 消耗品
Booth, A. E.
Microwave data tables.
London, Iliffe & Sons, 1959, 61p, 27cm

MW19, 9921670-7, P5:Bl:1961, 909199
Blackwell, Lawrence A. and Kotzebue, Kenneth L.
Semiconductor-diode panametric amplifiers.
Tokyo, Maruzen, c1961m 22cm

MW20, 9921695-4, S4:Ha:1963, 消耗品
Harvey, A. F.
Microwave engineering.
London, Academic Press, 1963, 1313p, 24cm

MW21, 9921674-9, P6:Po:1962, 909120
Penfield Jr., Paul and Rafuse, Robert P.
Varactor applications.
Cambridge, Mass., M. I. T. Press, 1962, 623p, 25cm

MW22, 9921683-0, S4:Al:1964, 909142
Altman, Jerome L.
Microwave ciecuits.
New York, D. Van Nostrand, c1964, 462p, 24cm

MW23, 9921685-5, S4:Th:1964, 909149
Thourel, L.
The use of ferrites at microwave frequencies.
Oxford, Pergamon, 1964, 100p, 24cm

MW24, 9921686-3, S4:Yo:1966b, 909178
Young, Leo ed.
Advances in microwaves. Vol.1.
New York, Academic Press, 1966, 24cm

MW25, 9921687-1, P6:Ke:1967, 909196
Kerns, David M. and Beatty, Robert W.
Basic theory of waveguide junctions and introductory microwave network analysis. (International series of monographs in electromagnetic waves, v.13)
Oxford, Pergamon, c1967, 150p, 23cm

MW26, 9921696-2, P5:Jo:1966, 消耗品
Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Microwave Applications of Semiconductors.
Univ. College London, 1966, 30cm

MW27, 9921688-9, S4:Yo:1970, 909246
Young, Leo ed.
Advances in mictowaves. Vol.5.
New York, Academic Press, 1970, 318p, 24cm

MW28, 9921669-9, S4:Gu:1974, 909388
Gupta, K. C. and Singh, A. ed.
Microwave Integtrated Circuits.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1974, 380p

MW29, 9921666-5, P4:Co:1976, 909377
Cornbleet, S.
Microwave Optics: The Optics of Microwave Antenna Design.
London, Academic Press, 1976, 416p

MW30, 9890735-5, SE:Gr:1954
Gray, Truman S.
Applied electronics; a first course in electronics, electron tubes, and associated circuits.
Mass., Institute of Technology, c1954, 2nd ed., 881p, 22cm

MW31, 9890713-2, SE:Te:1955
Terman, Frederick Emmons.
Electronic and radio engineering.
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1955, 4th ed., 1078p, 22cm

MW32, 9890738-9, SE:Co:1966
Collin, Robert E.
Foundations for microwave engineering.
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1966, 589p, 24cm

MW33, 9890720-7, SE:Ma:1964
Matthaei, George L., Young, Leo & Jones, E. M. T.
Microwave filters, impedance-matching networks, and coupling structures.
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1964, 1096p, 26cm

MW34, 9890714-0, SE:Mo:1973
Mutchenbacher, C. D. and Fitchen, F. C.
Low-noise electronic desigh. (A Wiley-interscience publication)
New York, Wiley, c1973, 358p, 24cm

MW35, 9890712-4, SE:Te:1973
Temes, Gabor C. and Mitra, Sanjit K. eds.
Modern filter theory and design. (A Wiley-interscience publication.)
New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1973, 566p, 24cm

MW36, 9890711-6, SE:Ab:1985
Abrie, Pieter L. D.
The design of impedance-matching networks for radio-frequency and microwave amplifiers. (The Artech House microwave library)
Wash., Artech House, c1985, 373p, 24cm

MW37, 9890614-2, SE:Ch:1989
Chang, Kai
Handbook of microwave and optical components vol.1: Microwave passive and antenna components.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, c1989, 907p, 25cm

MW38, 9890917-9, SE:Ch:1990
Chang, Kai
Handbook of microwave and optical components vol.2: Microwave solidstate monponents.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, c1990, 635p, 25cm

MW39, 9890825-4, SE:Ch:1990
Chand, Kai
Handbook of microwave and optical components vol.3: Optical components.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, c1990, 616p, 25cm

MW40, 9910293-1, S4:Ch:1991
Chang, Kai
Handbook of microwave and optical components vol.4: Fiber and electrooptical components.
New York, John Wiley & Sons, c1991, 484p, 25cm

MW41, 9936004-2, P8:Hu:1947
Huxley, L. G. H.
A survey of the principles & practice of wave guides.
Cambridge, The University Press, 1947, 328p, 22cm

MW42, 9936003-4, S4:Yo:1969
Young, Leo
Advances in Microwaves, Vol.4
New York, Academic Press, 1969, 384p, 24cm
