W1, 9921418-1, P71:Ch:1960, 909112
Chernov, Lev Aleksandrovich
Wave propagation in a random.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960, 168p, 26cm

W2, 9921417-3, P6:Gi:1961, 909114
Ginzburg, V. L.
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma.
New York, Gordon and Breach, c1961, 822p, 23cm

W3, 9921416-5, PC:Br:1962, 909118
Bradley, John N.
Shock waves in chemistry and physics.
London, John Wiley & Sons, 1962, 369p, 25cm

W4, 9921415-7, P71:An:1963, 909123
Anderson, J. Edward
Magnetohydrodynamic shock waves.
Cambridge, M. I. T. Press, 1963, 226p, 25cm

W5, 9921414-0, P71:Je:1964, 909131
Jeffrey, A. and Taniuti, T.
Non-linear wave propagation; with applications to physics and magnetohydrodynamics. (Mathematics in science and engineering, vol.9)
New York, Academic Press, 1964, 369p, 24cm

W6, 9921413-2, P8:Bu:1961, 909141
Budden, K. G.
The wave-guide mode theory of wave propagation.
London, Logos Press, c1961, 325p, 23cm

W7, 9921412-4, P72:Al:1963, 909148
Allis, William P., Buehsbaum, Selemon J.
Waves in anisotropic plasmas.
Cambridge, Mass., M. I. T. Press, 1963, 280p, 22cm

W8, 9921411-6, P72:St:1962, 909154
Stix, Thomas Howard
The theory of plasma waves. (McGraw-Hill advanced physics monograph series)
New York, McGraw-Hill, c1962, 283p, 24cm

W9, 9921410-8, P3:Br:1960, 909193
Brillouin, Leon
Wave Propagation and group velocity. (Pure and applied physics, v.8)
New York, Academic Press, 1960, 154p, 24cm

W10, 9921409-0, P72:Be:1966, 909194
Bekefi, G.
Radiation processes in plasmas. (Wiley series in plasma physics)
New York, John Wiley & Sons, c1966, 377p, 24cm

W11, 9921408-2, P72:Si:1967, 909202
Sitenko, A. G.
Electromagnetic fluctuations in plasma.
New York, Academic Press, 1967, 256p, 24cm

W12, 9921407-4, P6:Ka:1968, 909227
Kaner, E. A. and Skobov, V. G.
Electromagnetic waves in metals in a magnetic field.
London, Taylor & Francis, 1968, 142p, 27cm

W13, 9921431-4, A5:Sh:1970, 909254
Shifrin, K. S ed.
Transfer of microwave radiation in the atmosphere.
Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1970, 160p, 25cm

W14, 9921430-6, P71:Ze:1966, 909269
Zel'dovich, Ya B. Raizer, Yu P.
Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Vol.I.
New York, Academic Press, 1966, 24cm

W15, 9921429-8, P71:Ze:1967, 909270
Zel'dovich, Ya B. Raizer, Yu P.
Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena Vol.II.
New York, Academic Press, 1967, 24cm

W16, 9921428-0, P4:Ar:1972, 909288
Armstrong, Baxter H. and Nicholls, Ralph W.
Emission, absorption and transfer of radiation in heated atmospheres. (International series of monographs in natural philosophy, v.41)
Oxford, Pergamon Press, c1972, 295p, 22cm

W17, 9921427-2, P3:Is:1978, 909429
Ishimaru, A.
Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media, vol.1; Single Scattering and Transport Theory.
Academic Press, 1978, 250p

W18, 9921426-4, P6:Jo:1979, 909430
Jones, D. S.
Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979, 887p

W19, 9921425-6, M4:La:1980, 909457
Lamb, G. L. Jr.
Elements of Soliton Theory.
John Wiley & Sons, 1980, 289p

W20, 9921424-9, P6:Us:1980, 909458
Uslenghi, Piergiorgio L. E. ed.
Nonlinear Electromagnetics.
Academic Press, 1980, 426p

W21, 9921423-1, P2:Ka:1975, 909463
Karpman, V. I.
Non-linear Waves in Dispersive Media.
Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1975, 186p

W22, 9921422-3, P2:Wh:1974, 909466
Whitham, G. B.
Linear and Nonlinear Waves.
John Wiley & Sons, 1974, 636p

W23, 9921421-5, M04:Ba:1981, 909469
Baldock, G. R. and Bridgeman, T.
The Mathematical Theory of Wave Motion.
Chichester, Ellis Horwood, 1981, 261p

W24, 9921420-7, P6:Ba:1982, 909575
Basov, N. G. ed.
The Dissipation of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas. (Proceedings of the P. N. Levedev Physics Institute vol.92)
New York, Consultant Bureau, 1982, 101p
