CDS tutorial - 2004.02.04, 0. CDS/SOHO Instrument Slits: 2x240, 4x240, 90x240arcsec NIS-1 range: 308-381A NIS-2 range: 513-633A GIS (2x2,4x4arcsec) For detailed information, refer to: Harrison, R.A. et al. 1995, Sol. Phys. 162, 233. 1. Quick look ; make sure 'cds' is included in SSW_INSTR a=readcdsfits('s27073r00.fits') cds_new_spike,a ; remove cosmic ray vds_calib,a ; calibration (photon-events/pixel/s) dsp_menu,a ; GUI menu 2. Get a sample spectrum for fitting sp = gt_spectrum(a, window=0, xix=0, yix=0, lambda=lam) ; get the spectrum at (0, 0) in window #0 plot,lam,sp,psym=10 3. Obtain initial value for fitting xcfit,lam,sp,fit ; GUI menu print_cfit,fit eval_cfit,lam,yy,fit oplot,lam,yy,linestyle=1 4. Fit a block of data da=gt_windata(a, 0) ; retrieve data of window #0 ; da: 3D array in the format of [wavelength, x, y] wts = 1. / (da > 1) ; weights cfit_block,lam,da,wts,fit,-100,result,residual,/double For spectral line identification, refer to: Brooks, D.H. et al. 1999, A&A, 347, 277. 5. Display results setflag,missing=-100 ; for 1 component of gaussian plot_image,reform(result[0,*,*]),title='Intensity' plot_image,reform(result[1,*,*]),title='Position' plot_image,reform(result[2,*,*]),title='Width' ; backgroud and residual plot_image,reform(result[3,*,*]),title='Background' plot_image,reform(result[4,*,*]),title='Chi^2' 6. CHIANTI Database ; make sure 'chianti' is included in SSW_INSTR environment chianti_ne ; example: Si X log(Te) = 6.15 ; density - intensity ratio of Si X 347.409 / 356.030 chianti_te ; example: Mg VII log(Te) =5.80 ; Te - intensity ratio of Mg VII 319.019 / 367.672 For lines suitable for density and temperature analysis, refer to: Harrison, R.A. et al. 1995, Sol. Phys. 162, 233.