Current OSPEX setup 27-Oct-2010 22:23 Spectrum or Image File Summary File name: /tmp_mnt/home/ohyama/Work/040716_0203/hsi_spectrum_20040716_0120-0225_under250keV.fits Data type: HESSI # Time Bins: 975 Time range: 16-Jul-2004 01:20:00.000 to 02:25:00.000 # Energy Bins: 77 Energy range: 3.00000 to 250.000 Area: 277.13 Detectors Used: 1F 3F 4F 5F 6F 8F 9F Response Info: /tmp_mnt/home/ohyama/Work/040716_0203/hsi_srm_20040716_0120-0225_under250keV.fits Detector Response Matrix (DRM) File Summary File name: /tmp_mnt/home/ohyama/Work/040716_0203/hsi_srm_20040716_0120-0225_under250keV.fits Data type: RHESSI # Count Energy Bins: 77 Energy range: 3.00000 to 250.000 # Photon Energy Bins: 87 Energy range: 3.00000 to 500.000 Geometric Area: 277.13 Separate Detectors: False Detectors Used: 1F 3F 4F 5F 6F 8F 9F Filter State(s): 0,1,3 Albedo Correction: Disabled Separate Background in Energy Bands: Disabled Background Energy Band: None keV Polynomial Order: 0 16-Jul-2004 01:26:56.000 to 01:28:36.000 Number of fit time intervals: 1 Interval 0, 16-Jul-2004 02:02:50.000 to 02:03:10.000 Filter: 3 Start method: previous_int Loop Mode through intervals: Manual on First Interval Fit Function: vth+3pow Current Fit Function and Parameters: 0 Component Name: vth Parameters: 0.25276 2.70052 1 Minimum allowed: 1E-20 0.5 0.01 Maximum allowed: 1E+20 8 10 Free Mask: 1 1 0 Spectrum: full (Options are full,continuum,line) Model: chianti (Options are chianti,mewe. Chianti Version = 5.2) Abundance: Table=sun_coronal FE/H=1.26e-04 1 Component Name: 3pow Parameters: 8.04679 3.64922 60.7515 4.4515 199.616 2.70257 Minimum allowed: 1E-20 0.5 1 0.5 10 0.5 Maximum allowed: 1E+20 12 20000 12 20000 12 Free Mask: 1 1 1 1 1 1 Energy range to fit over: All keV Intervals to fit: 0 to 0