pro xyouts_noaa_over,date_obs,pangle=pangle,narlist=narlist,xylist=xylist, $ count=count,noread=noread,noplot=noplot,_extra=extra ;+ ; ; Name : xyouts_noaa_over ; ; Purpose : Output NOAA number on the extisting map plot. ; ; Syntax : IDl> plot_map, map ; Plotting any map ; IDL> xyouts_noaa_over,date_obs,[pangle=pangle], $ ; [narlist=narlist],[xylist=xylist],[count=count], $ ; [/noread],[/noplot] ; ; Input : date_obs = observation date and time (in any format) ; pangle = solar polar angle in degree (CCW->+) ; narlist = (with noread keyword) given NOAA information. ; ; Output : narlist = structure array including information of each ; extisting active region. ; see NAR_Data in for more information. ; xylist = positions of active regions with solar rotation. ; count = number of active regions ; ; Keyword : noread = just plotting NOAA number using given narlist. ; noplot = without plotting NOAA number ; ; Comment : Any keywords for and are acceptable. ; ; History : Written 1-Oct-2013 - by K. Otsuji ; Modified 3-Oct-2013 - by K. Otsuji ; ;- tai10000=anytim2tai('2002-06-01') if not keyword_set(noread) then narlist=get_nar(date_obs,_extra=extra) if size(narlist[0],/type) eq 7 then count=0 else $ ok=where(narlist.NUM_SPOTS ge 1,count) if count ne 0 then xylist=fltarr(2,count) for j=0,count-1 do begin nar=narlist[ok[j]] time=anytim(nar,/ccsds) noaa=nar.NOAA noaa+=10000*(noaa le 9000 and anytim2tai(time) ge tai10000 $ and not keyword_set(noread)) narlist[j].NOAA=noaa loc=nar.location xy=hel2arcmin(loc[1],loc[0],date=time)*60. drot_xy,xy[0],xy[1],time,date_obs,x0,y0 if isvalid(pangle) then roll_xy,x0,y0,-pangle,x0,y0 if ~keyword_set(noplot) then xyouts,x0,y0+100,strtrim(noaa,2), $ align=0.5,_extra=extra xylist[0,j]=[x0,y0] endfor if count eq 0 then $ print,'There is no active region on the specified date.' end