if (1 eq 2) then begin flname = '/share/norp/xdr/2011/02/norp20110215_0154.xdr' restore, flname numfreq=n_elements(fi(*,0)) endif else begin flname = '/share/norp/xdr/2011/02/norp110215.xdr' restore, flname numfreq=n_elements(fi(*,0)) numdat =n_elements(fi(0,*)) mvdav=bytarr(6,numdat) for n = 0L, numdat - 1 do begin for m = 0, numfreq - 1 do begin a=min(fi(m,n)) if (a le 1e1) then begin mvdav(m,n) = 0 endif else begin mvdav(m,n) = 1 endelse endfor endfor endelse if (1 eq 1) then begin mint=10 norp_mkint,mint,mvd,tim,fi,fv,mvdav,timav,fiav,fvav for m = 0, numfreq - 1 do fiav(m,*)=fiav(m,*)-fiavg(m) endif ; cut out a portion of mint * nspan sec. starting nstrt sec. from the begining of the daily data if (1 eq 1) then begin nspan= 400 ; -300 nstrt=1300 ; +100 fiavtmp=fiav fiav =fltarr(numfreq,nspan) mvdavtmp=mvdav mvdav=bytarr(numfreq,nspan) for m = 0, numfreq - 1 do begin fiav(m,*) =fiavtmp (m,nstrt:nstrt+nspan-1) mvdav(m,*)=mvdavtmp(m,nstrt:nstrt+nspan-1) endfor timav = timav(nstrt:nstrt+nspan-1) endif if (1 eq 1) then begin set_plot,'ps' device, filename='freq3_094_170_340_whole.ps' norp_plot,3,mvdav,timav,fiav,title='3 freq. 9.4, 17.0 and 34.0' norp_plot,4,mvdav,timav,fiav,/over norp_plot,5,mvdav,timav,fiav,/over ; plot, fiav(3,*), title='3 freq. 9.4, 17.0 and 34.0' ; oplot, fiav(4,*) ; oplot, fiav(5,*) device,/close set_plot,'x' endif if (1 eq 1) then begin norp_plot,3,mvdav,timav,fiav,title='3 freq. 9.4, 17.0 and 34.0' norp_plot,4,mvdav,timav,fiav,/over norp_plot,5,mvdav,timav,fiav,/over endif if (1 eq 1) then begin freq2=freq(3:5) fiav2=fiav(3:5,*) freq3=alog(freq2) fiav3=alog(fiav2) numdat=n_elements(fiav3(0,*)) lncoef=fltarr(2,numdat) for n = 0L, numdat - 1 do begin sgmt=fiav3(*,n) adrs=where(finite(sgmt,/nan)) if (adrs[0] lt 0) then begin results=linfit(freq3,sgmt) endif else begin results=[0.0,0.0] endelse ; print, n, results,fiav3(*,n) lncoef(*,n)=results endfor set_plot,'ps' device, filename='linfitcoef0_whole.ps' ; plot, lncoef(0,*),yrange=[-5,15],title='linear fit coef.0' norp_plot,0,mvdav,timav,lncoef,yrange=[-5,15],title='linear fit coef.0' device,/close device, filename='linfitcoef1_whole.ps' ; plot,lncoef(1,*),yrange=[-4,2],psym=3,title='linear fit coef.1' norp_plot,1,mvdav,timav,lncoef,yrange=[-4,2],title='linear fit coef.1' device,/close set_plot,'x' norp_plot,0,mvdav,timav,lncoef,yrange=[-5,15],title='linear fit coefs' norp_plot,1,mvdav,timav,lncoef,yrange=[-4,2], /over ; plot, lncoef(0,*),yrange=[-5,15],title='linear fit coef.0 and 1' ; oplot,lncoef(1,*),psym=3 endif else begin mvfreq=[4,5,6] norp_alpha,freq(mvfreq),fiav(mvfreq,*),mvdav(mvfreq,*),mvdfit,alpha_tk,alpha_tn,freqpk,fluxpk norp_alpha2delta,alpha_tn,delta ;plot, delta print, max(delta), min(delta) endelse ; mvdav,timav,lncoef,freq,freq2,freq3,fiav,fiav2,fiav3 ; timav,lncoef,freq3,fiav3 save,timav,lncoef,freq3,fiav3,filename='cdaw14_norp3_2011feb15_all_whole.sav' save,timav,filename='timav_whole.sav' save,lncoef,filename='lncoef_whole.sav' save,freq3,filename='freq3_whole.sav' save,fiav3,filename='fiav3_whole.sav' end