%% %% NOBEYAMA98 ABSTRACT %% %% Deadline: September 5, 1998 %% %% Please send by E-MAIL to nbym98@solar.nro.nao.ac.jp. %% \documentstyle{article} \textwidth 15 cm \oddsidemargin 1 cm \evensidemargin 1 cm \textheight 24 cm \topmargin 0 cm \begin{document} %% TITLE \begin{center} {\large\bf { Title }} \end{center} %% AUTHORS \begin{center} {\bf {A. Author$^{1}$ and B. Buthor$^{2}$ }} \end{center} %% INSTITUTIONS \begin{center} $^1$ {Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan} \\ $^2$ {Astronomical Observatories, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan} \\ \end{center} %% ABSTRACT % Please write your abstract here. Size limit is one page (15 cm x 24 cm) % with 10pt font size. Please avoid to use figures and to use \new... % and \renew... commands. \end{document} %% End of NOBEYAMA98 ABSTRACT.