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次へ: Implimentation to subroutines 上へ: NoRH FITS header 戻る: Header Regulation   目次

Example of Header

(1) Needed Part

$\bullet$ The keywords for standard FITS

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                  512 / length of data axis   1
NAXIS2  =                  512 / length of data axis   2

$\bullet$ Basic information for NoRH data

$\circ$ Information on observation time

DATE-OBS= '1998-05-09'         /
TIME-OBS= '03:20:23.754'       /
STRT-OBS= '03:20:21.254'       /
END-OBS = '03:20:26.254'       /
JSTDATE = '1998-05-09'         /
JSTTIME = '12:20:23.754'       /
JST-STRT= '12:20:21.254'       /
JST-END = '12:20:26.254'       /
STARTFRM=                16499 /
ENDFRM  =                16503 /

$\circ$ Information of data contents

POLARIZ = 'r+l     '           /
ATT-10DB= '00dB    '           /
OBS-MODE= 'alt     '           /
OBS-FREQ= '17GHz   '           /
FRM-STAT= '1-sec obs'          /
DATA-TYP= 'cleaned_map'        /
OBJECT  = 'sun     '           /
TELESCOP= 'radioheliograph'    /
ORIGIN  = 'nobeyama radio obs' /

$\circ$ Information of FITS header version

HDRIDENT= 'HeliogFITS 2.0'     /

(2) Ephemeris

SOLR    =               952.22 / optical solar radius (arcsecond)
SOLP    =             -22.5235 / solar polar angle (degree)
SOLB    =              -3.3307 / solar b0 (degree)
DEC     =              17.2807 / declination (degree)
HOURA   =              2270.83 / hour angle (second)
AZIMUTH =              27.7610 / azimuth (degree)
ALTITUDE=              70.3056 / altitude (degree)
ZANGLE  =              23.5280 / zenithangle (degree)
PMAT1   =              0.98640 / projection matrix
PMAT2   =              0.09448 / projection matrix
PMAT3   =             -0.04883 / projection matrix
PMAT4   =              0.94981 / projection matrix

(3) Image coordinates

CRVAL1  =                 0.00 / arcsec
CRVAL2  =                 0.00 / arcsec
CRPIX1  =               257.00 /
CRPIX2  =               257.00 /
CDELT1  =              4.91106 / arcsec
CDELT2  =              4.91106 / arcsec
CTYPE1  = 'solar-west'         /
CTYPE2  = 'solar-north'        /

(4) Parameters for each synthesis program

$\bullet$ example for Hanaoka

PROGNAME= 'snap2d17 v5.1  Y. Hanaoka' /
BUNIT   = 'K       '           / disk = 10000 K
SOLR-FAC=              1.01250 / radius correction factor
NFRCAL  =                    1 / number of calibration frames
CRINPUT =                -0.50 / clean criterion input
MBEAMC  = 'yes     '           / main beam correction
DISKRSTR= 'yes     '           / disk restoration
DDOFF1  =               -12.77 / x-offset of the dirty disk
DDOFF2  =                10.68 / y-offset of the dirty disk
DDCORR  =               0.9631 / correlation between dirty disk and model
DSKBR   =             37145.51 / brightness of the dirty disk
CRITER  =             24384.39 / clean criterion
NCOMPO  =                 1050 / number of clean components

$\bullet$ example for Koshix

PROGNAME= 'snap2d51_koshix_vfast' /
FRAME   =                16501 /
ICAL    =                    3 / integration for calibration
ITGR    =                    3 / integration for restoration
ICLN    =                    3 / integration after restoration
BUNIT   = 'k       '           / disk = 10000 K
CRITER  =               3000.0 / CLEAN criterion
SOLR-FAC=              1.01250 / radius correction factor
GAINP   =                0.020 / CLEAN loop gain for estimation of sky and disk
GAINE   =                0.200 / CLEAN loop gain
TRIM    =                0.800 / CLEAN trim level
NCOMPO  =                66143 / number of CLEAN components
DDOFF1  =                  0.5 / x-offset of the dirty disk
DDOFF2  =                  0.9 / y-offset of the dirty disk
NCLNYN  = 'yes     '           / negative CLEAN
JCIMYN  =                    1 / jitter - add/sub - integration
PJIMYN  =                    1 / projection - integration
MBEAMC  = 'yes     '           / main beam correction