The image quarity log of NoRH 3mins Database

The image quality of all 3min-cadence 17 GH images is verified by visual inspection. The tables in the following files are the result of the verification. We hope the tables are useful for your data analysis.

There is so many 'x' signs in the tables, but the 'x' signs don't mean that all data on the day are lost and/or the quality of all images in the day is bad. Even when we found only one abnormal image in the day, we put the 'x' sign. Therefore, almost images obtained on 'x'-signed days show 17GHz Sun with good quality. When you use the data of a 'x'-signed days, please watch the movie of your interested time range and verify the image quality of them.

The database was developed by Masumi Shimojo, Hisako Shinkai and Miwako Takemura (NAOJ).
Reference: Shimojo, M. 2013 PASJ,65,SP1,S16

When you publish your work using this database, we would like to ask you to acknowledge this project as follows.

This work was (partly) carried out on the Solar Data Analysis System operated by the Astronomy Data Center in cooperation with the Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

Last Update: 2015.3.30

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