function norh_beam,index,marx=marx,xbeam=xbeam ;+ ; NAME: ; NORH_BEAM ; ; PURPOSE: ; Create a projected image of the clean beam ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; beam=norh_beam(index) ; ; INPUT: ; index: index structure ; ; OUTPUT: ; returns an float array. ; The default array size is 21^2 and ; the center of the beam is (10,10). ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; marx: array size (default is 21) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Y. Hanaoka, July, 1993. ; T. Yokoyama, Sep, 1998. ; Modified 2000-04-19 TY based on V. Grechnev's suggestion ;- if n_elements(marx) le 0 then marx=21 solp=get_rb0p(index,/pangle,/quiet) pmat=norh_gt_pmat(index) sec_per_pix=norh_gt_pixsz(index) sec_per_pix_dty=norh_gt_pixsd(index) ratio_c2d=sec_per_pix/sec_per_pix_dty rbeam=norh_gt_efl(index) ns2ew=norh_gt_ns2ew(index) delta=1./rbeam^2 mx=n_elements(index) beam=fltarr(marx, marx, mx) ii=(-marx/2+lindgen(marx))#replicate(1, marx) jj=replicate(1, marx)#transpose(-marx/2+lindgen(marx)) for m=0, mx-1 do begin x=(cos(solp(m))*ii -sin(solp(m))*jj)*ratio_c2d(m) y=(sin(solp(m))*ii +cos(solp(m))*jj)*ratio_c2d(m) xx= pmat(0,m)*x+pmat(2,m)*y yy=(pmat(1,m)*x+pmat(3,m)*y)*ns2ew(m) beam(*,*,m)=exp(-delta(m)*(xx^2+yy^2)) endfor xbeam=sec_per_pix*findgen(marx) return,beam end