pro norh_prog2pinf,progname,freqst $ ,sec_per_pix_dty=sec_per_pix_dty $ ,efl_in_pix_dty=efl_in_pix_dty $ ,roll=roll,cellsize=cellsize ;+ ; NAME: ; NORH_PROG2PINF ; ; PURPOSE: ; This IDL prcedure returns the information utilized ; in the synthesizing process. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; norh_prog2pinf,progname ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; HISTORY: ; Writtern 1998-09-17 TY ; Revised 1999-11-8 TY 'fujiki' ;- freqratio=17.0/33.8 case progname of 'snap2d17 v5.1 Y. Hanaoka' : begin roll=0. if (freqst eq '17GHz') then begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endif else begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d*freqratio efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endelse end 'snap2d17_koshix v5.1 H. Koshiishi' : begin roll=0. if (freqst eq '17GHz') then begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endif else begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d*freqratio efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endelse end 'snap2d17suw' : begin ; fujiki roll=0. sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d*0.5 case cellsize of 3 : xa=2.5 5 : xa=2.3 7 : xa=2.0 else : xa=1.8 endcase efl_in_pix_dty=xa*sqrt(2.) end else : begin ; Assume old hanaoka/koshix roll=0. if (freqst eq '17GHz') then begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endif else begin sec_per_pix_dty=4.64947d*freqratio efl_in_pix_dty=2.0654677d endelse end endcase end