pro norh_trans,arg0,arg1,arg2 $ ,norun=norun,usetsx=usetsx,rawdir=rawdir,outfile=outfile $ ,freq=freq,event=event ;+ ; NAME: ; NORH_TRANS ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure transfers the raw-data files of NORH ; from the archive to the user's local directory. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; norh_trans,st_time,ed_time,interval ; norh_trans,times ; ; INPUTS: ; st_time: Start time of the observing sequence. ; An n-element vector of time. ; Any formats supported by 'anytim' function ; is accepted. ; (1) structure wit a .time and .day field, or ; (2) 2xN where the first dimension holds (MSOD, DS79), or ; (3) a double or float array of seconds from 1-jan-79, or ; (4) string, e.g. ; '1992-11-05 12:33:00' (NORH) ; '1992-11-05T12:33:00Z' (ISO 8601) ; '12:33:00 5-nov-92' (Yohkoh) ; '92/11/05 12:33:00' (HXRBS) ; etc. ; ed_time: End time of the sequence. ; An n-element vector of time. ; interval: Interval of the obseving sequence in units of 'second'. ; An n-element vector of integer. ; times: Time of requested data sequence. ; Non-uniform interval is accepted. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; rawdir: Destination of requested files. ; Default is the current directory. ; event: event mode data ; freq: Observing frequency of the data. ; '17' or '34'. Default is '17'. ; outfile: Parameter file name for transfer shell script. ; Default is 'norh_trans_input'. ; norun: Set if you only need the parameter file and ; do not want really transfer yet. ; usetsx: use 'tsx' file for finding the synthesizing frame ; instead of 'info' ; ; HISTORY: ; Writtern 1998-05-29 JS and TY ; Modified 1999-1-14 TY for useinfo option ; Modified 1999-02-04 TY /event support ; ;- ;if (n_elements(rawdir) eq 0) then rawdir=curdir() ;if (n_elements(freq) eq 0) then freq=17 if keyword_set(usetsx) then useinfo=0 else useinfo=1 case n_params() of 3: begin st_time=arg0 & ed_time=arg1 & interval=arg2 dayfr=norh_tim2f(st_time,ed_time,interval $ ,event=event,freq=freq,useinfo=useinfo) end 1: begin time=arg0 dayfr=norh_tim2f(time,useinfo=useinfo,event=event) end else: message,'Wrong number of arguments' endcase norh_trans_byf,dayfr,freq=freq,rawdir=rawdir,outfile=outfile $ ,norun=norun,event=event return end