program c2fits17 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c This task will calibrate selected data from the radioheliograph c and write the result to disk in FITS format. This version handles c 17 GHz data. One can turn the amplitude calibration on or off, c apply smoothing to the calibration, or apply a single calibration c to the data. c c Written by T. Bastian, 16 Oct 1996 c Subroutines UVCMPRS, PUTEO1, and PUTEO2 written by K. Shibasaki c Calls subroutines RDPAR, CALEPH, JST2UT, JST2FR, PUTHDR, RDDAT17, c PHSHFT, FI2D, ADDAPA, PHCAL, AMCAL from the helioglib library. c c Updated 99 Aug by S. White due to changes in helioglib routines: c - added arg za to CALEPH c - JST2UT has changed to require input date as yyyymmdd, not yymmdd c and this should be the format now returned by rddat17/suv17 - c In fact all dates are now yyyymmdd: variables NDUT and NDJST. c Removed all calls to ndut and msut - only needed in PUTHDR c where internal conversion JST2UT takes place. c - removed arguments ndut, msut and added nstat in call to PUTHDR c - removed arguments ndut, msut and added nstat in call to RDDAT17 c - changed declarations of nantst and rlph in suv17 from (1) to (84) c for consistency with all other references. NOTE however that c according to PJT this is unnecessary: as long as nantst is c declared as integer(84) in the main program then it can be c declared as integer(1) in subroutines (where it has to be c declared to function as an array) but will still act as if it c were integer(84) because FORTRAN uses addresses. c Modified 99 Nov by S. White: replaced SUV17 with version c of SNAPUV17 from helioglib62.f, since original c was just renamed versions of those routines from helioglib50.f c Neither RDCL17(=RDDCAL17) nor UVCMPR needs to be replaced. c Modified 03 Feb by S. White: modified input handling so that it can c read 0.1s event data. Steady data use times as inputs that c are converted to frame numbers assuming 1 s intervals which c doesn't wotrk for event data, so you can now supply frame c numbers, triggered if the first time is negative (of start frame c number). In this case, all times are assumed to be frame numbers, c otherwise they are all assumed to be hhmmss and converted to times. c NOTE: still can only do 600 frames at a time. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer naxes(4),nantst(84),iimg(600) integer*2 icald17(336) integer*4 ist,ien,jst,jen real flxr(84),flxl(84), - mapra(512,512),maprb(512,512),mapla(512,512),maplb(512,512), - pmat(4) real rlph(84) real ccra(57,55),ccrb(57,55),ccla(57,55),cclb(57,55) real crlab(57,55,600,4),drlab(57,55,600) character*80 filehd,infpar,infph,outf,outfft,infof,dum1 character*18 dattyp character*3 tst, fixc, amc, dmpc, skpo c c Read inputs from c2fits17.inp c open (unit=12,file='c2fits17.inp',status='old',form='formatted') read (12,'(a)') dum1 read (12,'(a)') dum1 read (12,'(32x,a80)') filehd read (12,'(32x,a80)') infpar read (12,'(32x,a80)') infof read (12,'(32x,a80)') infph read (12,'(32x,a80)') outf c read (12,'(32x,3i2)') ihs, ims, iss c read (12,'(32x,3i2)') ihe, ime, ise read (12,'(32x,i6)') ist read (12,'(32x,i6)') ien read (12,'(32x,a3)') tst read (12,'(32x,i3)') imavg read (12,'(32x,i3)') iminc read (12,'(32x,i3)') ibox read (12,'(32x,a3)') amc read (12,'(32x,a3)') fixc c read (12,'(32x,3i2)') jhs, jms, jss c read (12,'(32x,3i2)') jhe, jme, jse read (12,'(32x,i6)') jst read (12,'(32x,i6)') jen read (12,'(32x,a3)') dmpc read (12,'(32x,a3)') skpo close (unit=12) iunit=11 c c Read parameters of physical ephemeris c call rdpar(iunit,infpar, - dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - nantst) c c Read RCP/LCP instrumental phase difference c Now incorporated in library subroutine GTRLPH ? If so c these lines are not needed - set 1st element to 1.0 c c open(iunit, file=infph, access='sequential', status='old') c read(iunit,*) rlph c close(iunit) rlph(1) = 1.0 c c parse the time/frame input to decide what to do c if first time is negative, assume frame numbers for event files c if ( then c c Assume "times" are frame numbers c ndfr1 = abs(ist) ndfr2 = abs(ien) ncfr1 = abs(jst) ncfr2 = abs(jen) else c c Parse the long integers as hh mm ss c ihs = int(ist/10000) ims = int((ist-10000*ihs)/100) iss = ist-10000*ihs-100*ims c write(6,*) ist,ihs,ims,iss ihe = int(ien/10000) ime = int((ien-10000*ihe)/100) ise = ien-10000*ihe-100*ime c write(6,*) ien,ihe,ime,ise jhs = int(jst/10000) jms = int((jst-10000*jhs)/100) jss = jst-10000*jhs-100*jms c write(6,*) jst,jhs,jms,jss jhe = int(jen/10000) jme = int((jen-10000*jhe)/100) jse = jen-10000*jhe-100*jme c write(6,*) jen,jhe,jme,jse c c Convert times to JST,if necessary c if (tst.eq.'JST') go to 10 ihs=mod(ihs+9,24) ihe=mod(ihs+9,24) jhs=mod(ihs+9,24) jhe=mod(ihs+9,24) c c Convert JST times to frame numbers c 10 call jst2fr(ihs,ims,iss,infof,ndfr1,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(ihe,ime,ise,infof,ndfr2,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(jhs,jms,jss,infof,ncfr1,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(jhe,jme,jse,infof,ncfr2,istat) if ( go to 800 end if c c Report what we've found so far c write (6,'(//,''The following processing will be performed:'')') write (6,'(''Frequency: 17 GHz'')') write (6,'(''Data file: '',a)') filehd(1:48) write (6,'(''Ephemeris file: '',a)') infpar(1:48) write (6,'(''Tracking info: '',a)') infof(1:48) write (6,'(''Phase diff file: '',a)') infph(1:48) write (6,'(''Start time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') ihs,ims,iss,ndfr1 write (6,'('' End time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') ihe,ime,ise,ndfr2 write (6,'('' Image increment: '',i3,'' frames'')') iminc write (6,'(''Image averaging time: '',i3,'' frames'')') imavg if (fixc.eq.'YES') then write (6,'(''Applying single calibration to the interval'')') write (6,'(''Start calibration time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') jhs,jms,jss,ncfr1 write (6,'('' End calibration time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') jhe,jme,jse,ncfr2 else write (6,'('' Smoothing interval: '',i3, & '' frames'')') ibox end if if (amc.eq.'YES') write (6, & '(''Amplitude calibration has been disabled'',//)') if (dmpc.eq.'YES') then write (6, & '(''Dumping calibration solutions to calib.dat'')') open (unit=12,file='calib.dat',status='unknown', & form='formatted') end if if (skpo.eq.'YES') write (6, & '(''No FITS files will be produced'',//)') c c Some bookkeeping c nimg=0 do 15 i=ndfr1,ndfr2,iminc nimg=nimg+1 iimg(nimg)=i if (nimg.eq.600) then write (6,'(''Limiting number output frames to 600!'')') go to 16 end if 15 continue c c Fixed calibration interval? c 16 if (fixc.eq.'YES') then ical=ncfr2-ncfr1+1 if (amc.eq.'YES') ical=-iabs(ical) call rdcl17(iunit,filehd,ncfr1,ical,nantst,icald17,nframe) end if c c Begin major loop c jfrac=10 do 100 ii=1,nimg ifr=iimg(ii) ifrac=int(100.*ii/nimg+0.01) if ( then write (6,*) '==> ', ifrac,'% of the requested ', & 'frames have been processed ' jfrac=jfrac+10 end if ical=ibox if (amc.eq.'YES') ical=-iabs(ical) if (fixc.eq.'YES') ical=0 ifr1=ifr-imavg/2 ifr2=ifr+imavg/2 call suv17(iunit,filehd,ifr1,ifr2, - nantst,ical,icald17,rlph,ndjst,msjst, - msjsts,msjste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - flxr,flxl,mapra,maprb,mapla,maplb,nfrmst) if ( go to 100 if (dmpc.eq.'YES') write (12,*) icald17 call uvcmpr(mapra,maprb,ccra,ccrb) call uvcmpr(mapla,maplb,ccla,cclb) do 20 l=1,55 do 20 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,1)=ccra(i,l) 20 continue do 30 l=1,55 do 30 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,2)=ccrb(i,l) 30 continue do 40 l=1,55 do 40 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,3)=ccla(i,l) 40 continue do 50 l=1,55 do 50 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,4)=cclb(i,l) 50 continue c c Start parameters c if (ii.eq.1) then call caleph(dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - msjst,dec,ha,solr,solp,solb,az,alt,za,pmat) dec11=dec ha11=ha solr11=solr solp11=solp solb11=solb az11 =az alt11 =alt c ndut11=ndut c msut11=msut ndjst11=ndjst msjst11=msjst c c End parameters c else if (ii.eq.nimg) then call caleph(dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - msjst,dec,ha,solr,solp,solb,az,alt,za,pmat) dec12=dec ha12=ha solr12=solr solp12=solp solb12=solb az12 =az alt12 =alt c ndut12=ndut c msut12=msut ndjst12=ndjst msjst12=msjst endif c 100 continue c c Skip output if desired c if (skpo.eq.'YES') go to 1000 c c Dump data to FITS files c iounit=2 nbit=-32 naxis=3 naxes(1)=57 naxes(2)=55 naxes(3)=nimg c c Time in UT c ifrm1=iimg(1) ifrm2=iimg(nimg) mh1=msjst11/10000000 mm1=mod(msjst11,10000000)/100000 ms1=mod(msjst11,100000) m1=(mh1*60+mm1)*60000+ms1 mh2=msjst12/10000000 mm2=mod(msjst12,10000000)/100000 ms2=mod(msjst12,100000) m2=(mh2*60+mm2)*60000+ms2 m=(m1+m2)/2 mh3=m/3600000 mm3=mod(m,3600000)/60000 ms3=mod(m,60000) msjst=(mh3*100+mm3)*100000+ms3 ndjst=ndjst11 c msut=msjst c ndut=ndjst c call jst2ut(ndut,msut) c c Write files c loutf=index(outf,' ')-1 do 400 i=1,4 if(i.eq.1) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'rc.fits' if(i.eq.2) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'rs.fits' if(i.eq.3) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'lc.fits' if(i.eq.4) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'ls.fits' if(i.eq.1) dattyp='uv data(rcp,cos)' if(i.eq.2) dattyp='uv data(rcp,sin)' if(i.eq.3) dattyp='uv data(lcp,cos)' if(i.eq.4) dattyp='uv data(lcp,sin)' ipol=1-((i-1)/2)*2 do 300 l=1,nimg do 300 k=1,55 do 300 j=1,57 drlab(j,k,l)=crlab(j,k,l,i) 300 continue call ftinit(iounit,outfft,2880,istat) if ( go to 900 write(6,*) nfreq call puthdr(iounit,nbit,naxis,naxes, & ndjst,msjst,msjst11,msjst12,ifrm1,ifrm2, & ipol,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat,dattyp) call putoe1(iounit,solr11,solp11,solb11, & dec11,ha11,az11,alt11) call putoe2(iounit,solr12,solp12,solb12, & dec12,ha12,az12,alt12) call ftpdef(iounit,nbit,naxis,naxes,0,0,istat) call ftppre(iounit,0,1, & naxes(1)*naxes(2)*naxes(3),drlab,istat) call ftclos(iounit,istat) if ( go to 900 write(6,'('' File '',a40,'' written'')') outfft 400 continue go to 1000 800 write(6,'('' Bad time range specified - no frame found '')') 900 write(6,'('' istat ='',i8)') istat 1000 if (dmpc.eq.'YES') close (unit=12) stop end *********************************************************************** * suv17 - create 2-dimensional uv-map from raw data * * and calibrate * * iunit : input,integer fortran file unit number * * for raw data file * * filehd : input,character*80 raw data filename header * * nfrst : input,integer first frame number for integration * * nfrend : input,integer last frame number for integration * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * ical : input,integer calibration menu * * ical=999 : no calibration * * ical=0 : use icald as calibration data * * ical<>0 : calculate calibration data integrating * * abs(ical) frames * * if ical<0, calculated antenna phases are * * shifted, using icald as reference data * * icald : input,integer*2(336) initial calibration data * * : output obtained calibration data * * if integrate frames, cal data for the last frame * * rlph : input,real(84) instrumental phase differences of * * antennas * * if rlph(1)=-1, no phase correction is done * * if rlph(1)=1., phase differences are initialized * * ndjst : output,integer observing date in jst (yyyymmdd) * * msjst : output,integer center of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * msjsts : output,integer start of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * msjste : output,integer end of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * natt : output,integer attenuator in db * * nfalt : output,integer frequency alternation * * 0 : fix, 1 : alternate * * nfreq : output,integer observing frequency in GHz * * nstat : output,integer frame status * * 0 : not recorded * * 1 : calibration data * * 2 : solar observation data * * 3 : event data * * 15 : re-transferred data * * flxr : output,real(84) rcp total flux * * flxl : output,real(84) lcp total flux * * sumra : output,real(512,512) rcp/cos uv-map * * sumrb : output,real(512,512) rcp/sin uv-map * * sumla : output,real(512,512) lcp/cos uv-map * * sumlb : output,real(512,512) lcp/sin uv-map * * nfrmst : output,integer status * * 0 : all frames have been read * * 1 : there is an invalid frame; when nfrmst=1, other output * * is not valid * * November 27, 1998 Y. Hanaoka * *********************************************************************** c subroutine suv17(iunit,filehd, - nfrst,nfrend,nantst,ical,icald,rlph, - ndjst,msjst,msjsts,msjste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - flxr,flxl,sumra,sumrb,sumla,sumlb,nfrmst) c character*80 filehd integer nantst(84) integer*2 icald(336),icald0(336),icaldc(336) real corrc(84,85),corrs(84,85),corlc(84,85),corls(84,85), - cora(512,512),corb(512,512), - flxr(84),flxl(84), - sumra(512,512),sumrb(512,512),sumla(512,512),sumlb(512,512) real calib(168),rlph(84) c c do 300 j=1,512 do 300 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=0. sumrb(i,j)=0. sumla(i,j)=0. sumlb(i,j)=0. 300 continue do 310 i=1,84 flxr(i)=0. flxl(i)=0. 310 continue do 320 i=1,336 320 icald0(i)=icald(i) c do 350 iframe=nfrst,nfrend call rddat17(iunit,filehd,iframe,iframe,nantst, - ndjst,msjst,jsts,jste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - corrc,corrs,corlc,corls,nframe) c ***** if there is a no data frame, exit ***** if (nframe.eq.0) then nfrmst=1 go to 900 end if c ***** start and end time of integration ***** if (iframe.eq.nfrst) then msjsts=jsts mdjsts=jsts/10000000*3600000+mod(jsts,10000000)/100000*60000 - +mod(jsts,100000) end if c if (iframe.eq.nfrend) then msjste=jste mdjste=jste/10000000*3600000+mod(jste,10000000)/100000*60000 - +mod(jste,100000) end if c ***** get calibration data and calculate r-l phase shift ***** dcns=0. dcew=0. rlns=0. rlew=0. if ( then if ( then call rdcl17(iunit,filehd,iframe, - ical,nantst,icaldc,nframe) c Call to dcshft in rddcal17 not appropriate here where ical<0 c has a different meaning. Therefore following 2 lines uncommented. do 580 i=1,336 580 icald(i)=icaldc(i) end if c R-L phase differences now incorporated in library subroutine GTRLPH if (rlph(1).ne.-1.) then if (rlph(1).eq.1.) call gtrlph(ndjst,rlph) c write(6,'('' '',7f10.2)') rlph call phshft(rlph,icald,rlns,rlew) c write(6,'('' phase shift ='',2f10.2)') rlns,rlew end if end if c c ***** create and calibrate 2d uv-map (rcp) ***** call fi2d(corrc,corrs,cora,corb) if ( then do 600 i=1,84 600 calib(i)=real(icald(i))/100. do 610 i=85,168 610 calib(i)=real(icald(i))/10000. call addapa(cora,corb,calib,dcns,dcew) end if c do 360 i=1,84 360 flxr(i)=flxr(i)+corrc(i,85) do 370 j=1,512 do 370 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=sumra(i,j)+cora(i,j) sumrb(i,j)=sumrb(i,j)+corb(i,j) 370 continue c ***** create and calibrate 2d uv-map (lcp) ***** call fi2d(corlc,corls,cora,corb) if ( then do 620 i=1,84 620 calib(i)=real(icald(168+i))/100. do 630 i=85,168 630 calib(i)=real(icald(168+i))/10000. call addapa(cora,corb,calib,dcns+rlns,dcew+rlew) end if c ***** integration ***** do 380 i=1,84 380 flxl(i)=flxl(i)+corlc(i,85) do 390 j=1,512 do 390 i=1,512 sumla(i,j)=sumla(i,j)+cora(i,j) sumlb(i,j)=sumlb(i,j)+corb(i,j) 390 continue c 350 continue c c ***** center of the integration time ***** msjst=(mdjsts+mdjste)/2 msjst=msjst/3600000*10000000+mod(msjst,3600000)/60000*100000 - +mod(msjst,60000) c ***** normalize ***** framen=real(nfrend-nfrst+1) do 700 i=1,84 flxr(i)=flxr(i)/framen flxl(i)=flxl(i)/framen 700 continue do 710 j=1,512 do 710 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=sumra(i,j)/framen sumrb(i,j)=sumrb(i,j)/framen sumla(i,j)=sumla(i,j)/framen sumlb(i,j)=sumlb(i,j)/framen 710 continue c c --- REMOVE TAPERING FOR AIPS VISIBILITIES c call filter1(taper,sumra) c call filter1(taper,sumrb) c call filter1(taper,sumla) c call filter1(taper,sumlb) c nfrmst=0 900 return end c c *********************************************************************** * rdcl17 - read raw heliograph data and calibrate * * iunit : input,integer fortran file unit number * * for raw data file * * filehd : input,character*80 raw data filename header * * iframe : input,integer frame number for calibration * * itgr : input,integer number of frames for integration * * if > 0, normal calibration * * if < 0, bypass amplitude calibration * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * icald : output,integer*2(336) antenna phases and gains * * nframe : output,integer number of frames which is actually * * used * * October 13,1995 Y. Hanaoka * * Revised October 16,1996 T. Bastian * *********************************************************************** c subroutine rdcl17(iunit,filehd,iframe,itgr,nantst, - icald,nframe) c character*80 filehd integer nantst(84) real corrc(84,85),corrs(84,85),corlc(84,85),corls(84,85) c integer iposns(28),iposew(57),icv(9) real phansr(200),phansl(200),phaewr(200),phaewl(200), - amansr(200),amansl(200),amaewr(200),amaewl(200) integer*2 icald(336) c data iposns/0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144/ data iposew/-160,-144,-128,-112,-96,-80,-64, - -56,-48,-40,-32, - -28,-24,-20,-16,-14,-12, - -11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144,160/ data icv/1,2,4,6,8,12,16,24,32/ c nantns=28 nantew=57 ncv=9 ampcal=itgr itgr=abs(itgr) c call rddat17(iunit,filehd,iframe-(itgr-1)/2, - iframe+itgr/2,nantst, - ndjst,msjst,jsts,jste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - corrc,corrs,corlc,corls,nframe) inic=0 call phcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corrc,corrs,inic,phansr, - sums,nmax) call phcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corrc,corrs,inic,phaewr, - sums,nmax) if ( go to 100 call amcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corrc,corrs,inic,amansr, - sums,nmax) call amcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corrc,corrs,inic,amaewr, - sums,nmax) c 100 call phcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corlc,corls,inic,phansl, - sums,nmax) call phcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corlc,corls,inic,phaewl, - sums,nmax) if ( go to 200 call amcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corlc,corls,inic,amansl, - sums,nmax) call amcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corlc,corls,inic,amaewl, - sums,nmax) c 200 icald(1)=0 do 600 i=2,28 600 icald(i)=int(phansr(i-1)*100.) do 610 i=1,56 610 icald(i+28)=int(phaewr(i)*100.) icald(85)=10000 c do 620 i=2,28 icald(i+84)=int(amansr(i-1)*10000.) if ( icald(i+84)=10000 if (nantst(i).eq.1) icald(i+84)=0 620 continue do 630 i=1,28 icald(i+112)=int(amaewr(i)*10000.) if ( icald(i+112)=10000 if (nantst(i+56).eq.1) icald(i+112)=0 630 continue do 640 i=1,28 icald(i+140)=int(amaewr(i+28)*10000.) if ( icald(i+140)=10000 if (nantst(57-i).eq.1) icald(i+140)=0 640 continue c icald(169)=0 do 700 i=2,28 700 icald(i+168)=int(phansl(i-1)*100.) do 710 i=1,56 710 icald(i+196)=int(phaewl(i)*100.) c icald(253)=10000 do 720 i=2,28 icald(i+252)=int(amansl(i-1)*10000.) if ( icald(i+252)=10000 if (nantst(i).eq.1) icald(i+252)=0 720 continue do 730 i=1,28 icald(i+280)=int(amaewl(i)*10000.) if ( icald(i+280)=10000 if (nantst(i+56).eq.1) icald(i+280)=0 730 continue do 740 i=1,28 icald(i+308)=int(amaewl(i+28)*10000.) if ( icald(i+308)=10000 if (nantst(57-i).eq.1) icald(i+308)=0 740 continue return end c *********************************************************************** * uvcmprs - extract observable uv-points in compressed form * * coordinate of the dc component : (29,27) * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * a : input,real(512,512) cos of uv map * * b : input,real(512,512) sin of uv map * * ca: output,real(57,55) cos of uv map in compressed form * * cb: output,real(57,55) sin of uv map in compressed form * * april 19,1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine uvcmpr(a,b,ca,cb) c integer ipos(-28:28) real a(512,512),b(512,512) real ca(57,55),cb(57,55) data ipos/-160,-144,-128,-112,-96,-80,-64, - -56,-48,-40,-32, - -28,-24,-20,-16,-14,-12, - -11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144,160/ c do 200 l=-27,27 do 200 i=-28,28 200 ca(i+29,l+28)=a(ipos(i)+257,ipos(l)+257) c do 210 l=-27,27 do 210 i=-28,28 210 cb(i+29,l+28)=b(ipos(i)+257,ipos(l)+257) c return end c *********************************************************************** * putoe1 - write initial ephemeris parameters to fits file * * iounit : input,integer fortran unit number for fits file * * solr : input,real solar radius 1.0125*optical(arcsecond) * * solp : input,real solar polar angle (degree) * * solb : input,real solar b0 (degree) * * dec : input,real declination (degree) * * ha : input,real hour angle (second) * * az : input,real azimuth (degree) * * alt : input,real altitude (second) * * april 19, 1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine putoe1(iounit,solr,solp,solb,dec,ha,az,alt) c call ftpkyf(iounit,'solr1',solr,2, - 'optical solar radius (arcsec) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solp1',solp,4, - 'solar polar angle (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solb1',solb,4, - 'solar b0 (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'dec1',dec,4, - 'declination (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'houra1',ha,2, - 'hour angle (second) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'azimuth1',az,4, - 'azimuth (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'altitud1',alt,4, - 'altitude (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) c if ( write(6,'('' putoe1 : istat ='',i6)') istat return end c *********************************************************************** * putoe2 - write final ephemeris parameters to fits file * * iounit : input,integer fortran unit number for fits file * * solr : input,real solar radius 1.0125*optical(arcsecond) * * solp : input,real solar polar angle (degree) * * solb : input,real solar b0 (degree) * * dec : input,real declination (degree) * * ha : input,real hour angle (second) * * az : input,real azimuth (degree) * * alt : input,real altitude (second) * * april 19, 1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine putoe2(iounit,solr,solp,solb,dec,ha,az,alt) c call ftpkyf(iounit,'solr2',solr,2, - 'optical solar radius (arcsec) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solp2',solp,4, - 'solar polar angle (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solb2',solb,4, - 'solar b0 (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'dec2',dec,4, - 'declination (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'houra2',ha,2, - 'hour angle (second) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'azimuth2',az,4, - 'azimuth (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'altitud2',alt,4, - 'altitude (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) if ( write(6,'('' putoe2 : istat ='',i6)') istat return end c *********************************************************************** * jst2fr - convert JST HHMMSS to frame number * *********************************************************************** subroutine jst2fr(ih,im,is,infof,ifr,istat) character*80 infof, line itim=ih*3600+im*60+is open (11,file=infof,status='old',form='formatted') 10 read (11,'(a)',err=99) line if (line(63:67).eq.'TRACK') then read (line,'(34x,i2,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2)') & jhs,jms,jss,jhe,jme,jse jtims=jhs*3600+jms*60+jss jtime=jhe*3600+jme*60+jse if ( then read (line,'(48x,i6)') ifs ifr=ifs+itim-jtims go to 100 end if end if go to 10 99 istat=1 100 close (11) return end