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Calibrated Data in XDR (IDL save) format

Some already-calibrated NoRP data are put in the NRO solar archive (see section A). You can obtain them by anonymous FTP. Before synthesizing by yourself, try them first. They are loaded into the IDL session by using the IDL command restore. There are 1-sec resolution data for steady observatin and 0.1-sec resolution data for events.
IDL> file=getenv('NORP_XDR')+'/1999/08/norp19990828_0056.xdr' $<$CR$>$
IDL> restore,file $<$CR$>$
IDL> help $<$CR$>$
DAY             STRING    = '1999-08-28'
FI              FLOAT     = Array[7, 7590]
FIAVG           FLOAT     = Array[7]
FREQ            FLOAT     = Array[7]
FV              FLOAT     = Array[7, 7590]
FVAVG           FLOAT     = Array[7]
MVD             BYTE      = Array[7, 7590]
TIM             STRUCT    = -> ANYTIM2INTS Array[7590]

freq is observing frequencies in units of GHz (in this example, 1, 2, 3.75, 9.4, 17, 3, 80 GHz), tim is observing time, fi,fv are I (R+L), V (R-L) comonents of flux density and fiavg, fvavg are daily average, respectively. mvd is an array including the values of unity (1) for valid data or zero (0) for non-valid data.