; $Id: curvefit.pro,v 1.20 1998/01/15 18:41:24 scottm Exp $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1982-1998, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; FUNCTION NORP_CURVEFIT, x, y, weights, a, sigma, FUNCTION_NAME = Function_Name, $ ITMAX=itmax, ITER=iter, TOL=tol, CHI2=chi2, $ NODERIVATIVE=noderivative, CHISQ=chisq,status=status ;+ ; NAME: ; CURVEFIT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary ; number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear ; function. If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by ; the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives ; with a forward difference approximation. ; ; CATEGORY: ; E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = CURVEFIT(X, Y, Weights, A, SIGMA, FUNCTION_NAME = name, $ ; ITMAX=ITMAX, ITER=ITER, TOL=TOL, /NODERIVATIVE) ; ; INPUTS: ; X: A row vector of independent variables. This routine does ; not manipulate or use values in X, it simply passes X ; to the user-written function. ; ; Y: A row vector containing the dependent variable. ; ; Weights: A row vector of weights, the same length as Y. ; For no weighting, ; Weights(i) = 1.0. ; For instrumental (Gaussian) weighting, ; Weights(i)=1.0/sigma(i)^2 ; For statistical (Poisson) weighting, ; Weights(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. ; ; A: A vector, with as many elements as the number of terms, that ; contains the initial estimate for each parameter. IF A is double- ; precision, calculations are performed in double precision, ; otherwise they are performed in single precision. Fitted parameters ; are returned in A. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function (actually, a procedure) to ; fit. IF omitted, "FUNCT" is used. The procedure must be written as ; described under RESTRICTIONS, below. ; ; ITMAX: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 20. ; ITER: The actual number of iterations which were performed ; TOL: The convergence tolerance. The routine returns when the ; relative decrease in chi-squared is less than TOL in an ; interation. Default = 1.e-3. ; CHI2: The value of chi-squared on exit (obselete) ; ; CHISQ: The value of reduced chi-squared on exit ; NODERIVATIVE: IF this keyword is set THEN the user procedure will not ; be requested to provide partial derivatives. The partial ; derivatives will be estimated in CURVEFIT using forward ; differences. IF analytical derivatives are available they ; should always be used. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Returns a vector of calculated values. ; A: A vector of parameters containing fit. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; Sigma: A vector of standard deviations for the parameters in A. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NONE. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT, ; unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, ; (actually written as a procedure) must accept values of ; X (the independent variable), and A (the fitted function's ; parameter values), and return F (the function's value at ; X), and PDER (a 2D array of partial derivatives). ; For an example, see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. ; A call to FUNCT is entered as: ; FUNCT, X, A, F, PDER ; where: ; X = Variable passed into CURVEFIT. It is the job of the user-written ; function to interpret this variable. ; A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. ; F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x), output. ; PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. ; PDER(I,J) = DErivative of function at ith point with ; respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. ; PDER should not be calculated IF the parameter is not ; supplied in call. IF the /NODERIVATIVE keyword is set in the ; call to CURVEFIT THEN the user routine will never need to ; calculate PDER. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear ; function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error ; Analysis for the Physical Sciences. This is adapted from: ; Marquardt, "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear ; Parameters", J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math., Vol 11, no. 2, pp. 431-441, ; June, 1963. ; ; "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which ; combines the best features of the gradient search with ; the method of linearizing the fitting function." ; ; Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by ; only TOL or until ITMAX iterations have been performed. ; ; The initial guess of the parameter values should be ; as close to the actual values as possible or the solution ; may not converge. ; ; EXAMPLE: Fit a function of the form f(x) = a * exp(b*x) + c to ; sample pairs contained in x and y. ; In this example, a=a(0), b=a(1) and c=a(2). ; The partials are easily computed symbolicaly: ; df/da = exp(b*x), df/db = a * x * exp(b*x), and df/dc = 1.0 ; ; Here is the user-written procedure to return F(x) and ; the partials, given x: ; ; pro gfunct, x, a, f, pder ; Function + partials ; bx = exp(a(1) * x) ; f= a(0) * bx + a(2) ;Evaluate the function ; IF N_PARAMS() ge 4 THEN $ ;Return partials? ; pder= [[bx], [a(0) * x * bx], [replicate(1.0, N_ELEMENTS(f))]] ; end ; ; x=findgen(10) ;Define indep & dep variables. ; y=[12.0, 11.0,10.2,9.4,8.7,8.1,7.5,6.9,6.5,6.1] ; Weights=1.0/y ;Weights ; a=[10.0,-0.1,2.0] ;Initial guess ; yfit=curvefit(x,y,Weights,a,sigma,function_name='gfunct') ; print, 'Function parameters: ', a ; print, yfit ; end ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. ; Does not iterate IF the first guess is good. DMS, Oct, 1990. ; Added CALL_PROCEDURE to make the function's name a parameter. ; (Nov 1990) ; 12/14/92 - modified to reflect the changes in the 1991 ; edition of Bevington (eq. II-27) (jiy-suggested by CreaSo) ; Mark Rivers, U of Chicago, Feb. 12, 1995 ; - Added following keywords: ITMAX, ITER, TOL, CHI2, NODERIVATIVE ; These make the routine much more generally useful. ; - Removed Oct. 1990 modification so the routine does one iteration ; even IF first guess is good. Required to get meaningful output ; for errors. ; - Added forward difference derivative calculations required for ; NODERIVATIVE keyword. ; - Fixed a bug: PDER was passed to user's procedure on first call, ; but was not defined. Thus, user's procedure might not calculate ; it, but the result was THEN used. ; ; Steve Penton, RSI, June 1996. ; - Changed SIGMAA to SIGMA to be consistant with other fitting ; routines. ; - Changed CHI2 to CHISQ to be consistant with other fitting ; routines. ; - Changed W to Weights to be consistant with other fitting ; routines. ; _ Updated docs regarding weighing. ; ;- ON_ERROR,2 ;Return to caller IF error status=0 ;Name of function to fit IF n_elements(function_name) LE 0 THEN function_name = "FUNCT" IF n_elements(tol) EQ 0 THEN tol = 1.e-3 ;Convergence tolerance IF n_elements(itmax) EQ 0 THEN itmax = 20 ;Maximum # iterations type = size(a) type = type[type[0]+1] double = type EQ 5 IF (type ne 4) AND (type ne 5) THEN a = float(a) ;Make params floating ; IF we will be estimating partial derivatives THEN compute machine ; precision IF keyword_set(NODERIVATIVE) THEN BEGIN res = machar(DOUBLE=double) eps = sqrt(res.eps) ENDIF nterms = n_elements(a) ; # of parameters nfree = n_elements(y) - nterms ; Degrees of freedom IF nfree LE 0 THEN message, 'Curvefit - not enough data points.' flambda = 0.001 ;Initial lambda diag = lindgen(nterms)*(nterms+1) ; Subscripts of diagonal elements ; Define the partial derivative array IF double THEN pder = dblarr(n_elements(y), nterms) $ ELSE pder = fltarr(n_elements(y), nterms) ; FOR iter = 1, itmax DO BEGIN ; Iteration loop ; Evaluate alpha and beta matricies. IF keyword_set(NODERIVATIVE) THEN BEGIN ; Evaluate function and estimate partial derivatives CALL_PROCEDURE, Function_name, x, a, yfit FOR term=0, nterms-1 DO BEGIN p = a ; Copy current parameters ; Increment size for forward difference derivative inc = eps * abs(p[term]) IF (inc EQ 0.) THEN inc = eps p[term] = p[term] + inc CALL_PROCEDURE, function_name, x, p, yfit1 pder[0,term] = (yfit1-yfit)/inc ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; The user's procedure will return partial derivatives call_procedure, function_name, x, a, yfit, pder ENDELSE IF nterms EQ 1 THEN pder = reform(pder, n_elements(y), 1) beta = (y-yfit)*Weights # pder alpha = transpose(pder) # (Weights # (fltarr(nterms)+1)*pder) ; save current values of return parameters sigma1 = sqrt( 1.0 / alpha[diag] ) ; Current sigma. sigma = sigma1 chisq1 = total(Weights*(y-yfit)^2)/nfree ; Current chi squared. chisq = chisq1 yfit1 = yfit done_early = chisq1 LT total(abs(y))/1e7/NFREE IF done_early THEN GOTO, done c = sqrt(alpha[diag]) c = c # c lambdaCount = 0 REPEAT BEGIN lambdaCount = lambdaCount + 1 ; Normalize alpha to have unit diagonal. array = alpha / c ; Augment the diagonal. array[diag] = array[diag]*(1.+flambda) ; Invert modified curvature matrix to find new parameters. IF n_elements(array) EQ 1 THEN array = (1.0 / array) $ ELSE array = invert(array) b = a + array/c # transpose(beta) ; New params b(2)=b(2)>1 b(0)=b(0)>1 call_procedure, function_name, x, b, yfit ; Evaluate function ;print,'yfit',yfit ;alpha_tk=b(1) & alpha_tn=b(1)-b(3) ;freqpk=b(2)^(1./b(3)) ;fluxpk=b(0)*freqpk^b(1) ;print,'alpha_tk = ',alpha_tk ;print,'alpha_tn = ',alpha_tn ;print,'freqpk = ',freqpk ;print,'fluxpk = ',fluxpk chisq = total(Weights*(y-yfit)^2)/nfree ; New chisq sigma = sqrt(array[diag]/alpha[diag]) ; New sigma IF (finite(chisq) EQ 0) OR $ (lambdaCount GT 30 AND chisq GE chisq1) THEN BEGIN ; Reject changes made this iteration, use old values. yfit = yfit1 sigma = sigma1 chisq = chisq1 message, 'Failed to converge', /INFORMATIONAL status=1 GOTO, done ENDIF flambda = flambda*10. ; Assume fit got worse ENDREP UNTIL chisq LE chisq1 flambda = flambda/100. a=b ; Save new parameter estimate. IF ((chisq1-chisq)/chisq1) LE tol THEN GOTO,done ;Finished? ENDFOR ;iteration loop ; MESSAGE, 'Failed to converge', /INFORMATIONAL status=1 ; done: chi2 = chisq ; Return chi-squared (chi2 obsolete-still works) IF done_early THEN iter = iter - 1 return,yfit ; return result END