function tykw_mvalid_clb,timej,dstt,dtclb ;+ ; NAME: ; TYKW_MVALID_CLB ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function is to get the information if the data is valid or not ; from the calibration info ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvalid=tykw_mvalid_clb(timej,dstt,dtclb) ; ; INPUTS: ; timej: structure array with 'time internal format'. ; dtclb: time margin for nclbi. 2 elements floating array. ; dtclb(0) is before the calibration, dtclb(1) is after. ; dstt: structure of the stt data of the specified frequency ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; mvalid: 1-dimensional byte array ; if 1 the data is valid ; ; HISTORY: ; 4/6/79 ver.0.0 K. Shibasaki as fortran program ; Sep. 09, 1994 ver.1.0 M. Nishio ; Jan. 10, 1995 ver.2.0 M. Nishio ; Apr. 13, 1995 ver.3.2 M. Nishio ; Apr. 13, 1995 ver.4.0 M. Nishio ; May. 23, 1995 ver.5.0 M. Nishio ; May 01, 1995 ver.5.2 M. Nishio ; Apr. 25, 1995 ver.5.0 M. Nishio ; ; 1999-01-12 ported to IDL by TY ; ;- ; unset flag for calibration period mvalid=bytarr(n_elements(timej))+1b for mode=0,4 do begin ;for m=0,31 do begin for m=0,30 do begin ; 1999-8-4 by T. Y. t_st=dstt.ichng(mode,m,0) t_ed=dstt.ichng(mode,m,1) if (t_st lt t_ed) then begin n_st=norp_t2i(timej.time,t_st*10-dtclb(0)) n_ed=norp_t2i(timej.time,t_ed*10+dtclb(1)) mvalid(n_st:n_ed)=0 endif endfor endfor return,mvalid end