
The observations of the solar magnetic fields is one of the most important basics for study of all important processes in structuring the solar atmosphere and most kinds of the release of the energy. The radio methods are of the special interest here because they gain the information on the magnetic field strength in the solar corona and upper chromosphere where traditional optical methods do not work. The construction of the Nobeyama radio heliograph opens a new era in usage radio methods for solar radio magnetography due to some unique property of the instrument: - The 2D mapping of the whole disk of the sun both in I and V Stokes parameters with resolution of 10 arcsec. - Regular observations (without breaks due to weather conditions), eight hours a day, already for seven years. The most effective and representative radio method of measuring the solar magnetic fields is to use polarization measurements of the thermal bremsstrahlung (free-free emission). It is applicable both to analysis of chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields and presents information on longitude component of the magnetic field strength in solar active regions. Three problems are met, however: (i) One needs to measure very low degree of polarization (small fraction of a percent); (ii) To get the real value of the field the spectral data are necessary. (iii) While observing an active region on the disk we have got the overlapping effects on polarized signal of the chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields. To get higher sensitivity the averaging of the radio maps over periods of about ten minutes were used with the results of sensitivity on V-maps of the order 0.1%. Observations for a number of dates have been analysed (August 22, 1992, October 31, 1992; June 30, 1993, July 22,1994, June 15, 1995 and some more). In all cases a very good similarity was found of the polarized regions (V-maps) with the Ca^ + plages in form and total coincidence with the direction of the magnetic fields on the optical magnetograms of the same active regions. For rough estimation of the magnetic field strength an a priory value of spectral index (n ~1) was used with more or less reasonable result. The value of the longitude component of the magnetic field is obtained using the solution of the equation of transfer of the radio waves in thermal plasma, which can be written in the form: B_l = frac{107}{lambda cdot n}cdot P%, where spectral index n and degree of polarization P% are to be found from observations. In case of coronal magnetic fields n = 2 for optically thin structure, so the spectral data can be omitted. To make a more detailed analysis including separate estimation for both chromospheric and coronal magnetic field distributions we may use some additional information from spectral (but one dimensional) observation made with the RATAN-600 or Pulkovo radio telescope. Also methods of stereoscopy are in some cases effective (in this case we need observations of a stable active regions for several days). However, these methods will be discussed in another paper. This work is supported by RFBR Grant No. 96-02-16268 and GKNT - program ''Astronomy''.