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Read Raw Data Directly

In order to read raw data directly,
IDL> norh_rd_rdt,st_time,ed_time,rdata,header $<$CR$>$
for 34 GHz
IDL> norh_rd_rdt,st_time,ed_time,rdata,header,freq=34 $<$CR$>$
These are in case the raw data is installed under directory ${NORH}/rawd. To read the raw data after copying to the current directory,
IDL> norh_rd_rdt,st_time,ed_time,rdata,header,dir_raw='.' $<$CR$>$
To read by giving file name
IDL> norh_rd_rdt17,file,rdata,header $<$CR$>$
IDL> norh_rd_rdt34,file,rdata,header $<$CR$>$
For obtaining observing time (JST)
IDL> timej=norh_rdt2timej(rdata) $<$CR$>$

Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日