program c2fits17 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c This task will calibrate selected data from the radioheliograph c and write the result to disk in FITS format. This version handles c 17 GHz data. One can turn the amplitude calibration on or off, c apply smoothing to the calibration, or apply a single calibration c to the data. c c Written by T. Bastian, 16 Oct 1996 c Subroutines UVCMPRS, PUTEO1, and PUTEO2 written by K. Shibasaki c Calls subroutines RDPAR, CALEPH, JST2UT, PUTHDR, RDDAT17, PHSHFT, c FI2D, ADDAPA, PHCAL, AMCAL from the helioglib library. c c Updated 99 Aug by S. White due to changes in helioglib routines: c - added arg za to CALEPH c - JST2UT has changed to require input date as yyyymmdd, not yymmdd c and this should be the format now returned by rddat17/suv17 - c In fact all dates are now yyyymmdd: variables NDUT and NDJST. c Removed all calls to ndut and msut - only needed in PUTHDR c where internal conversion JST2UT takes place. c - removed arguments ndut, msut and added nstat in call to PUTHDR c - removed arguments ndut, msut and added nstat in call to RDDAT17 c - changed declarations of nantst and rlph in suv17 from (1) to (84) c for consistency with all other references c---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer naxes(4),nantst(84),iimg(600) integer*2 icald17(336) real flxr(84),flxl(84), - mapra(512,512),maprb(512,512),mapla(512,512),maplb(512,512), - pmat(4) real rlph(84) real ccra(57,55),ccrb(57,55),ccla(57,55),cclb(57,55) real crlab(57,55,600,4),drlab(57,55,600) character*80 filehd,infpar,infph,outf,outfft,infof,dum1 character*18 dattyp character*3 tst, fixc, amc, dmpc, skpo c c Read inputs from c2fits17.inp c open (unit=12,file='c2fits17.inp',status='old',form='formatted') read (12,'(a)') dum1 read (12,'(a)') dum1 read (12,'(32x,a80)') filehd read (12,'(32x,a80)') infpar read (12,'(32x,a80)') infof read (12,'(32x,a80)') infph read (12,'(32x,a80)') outf read (12,'(32x,3i2)') ihs, ims, iss read (12,'(32x,3i2)') ihe, ime, ise read (12,'(32x,a3)') tst read (12,'(32x,i3)') imavg read (12,'(32x,i3)') iminc read (12,'(32x,i3)') ibox read (12,'(32x,a3)') amc read (12,'(32x,a3)') fixc read (12,'(32x,3i2)') jhs, jms, jss read (12,'(32x,3i2)') jhe, jme, jse read (12,'(32x,a3)') dmpc read (12,'(32x,a3)') skpo close (unit=12) iunit=11 c c Read parameters of physical ephemeris c call rdpar(iunit,infpar, - dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - nantst) c c Read RCP/LCP instrumental phase difference c open(iunit, file=infph, access='sequential', status='old') read(iunit,*) rlph close(iunit) c c Convert times to JST,if necessary c if (tst.eq.'JST') go to 10 ihs=mod(ihs+9,24) ihe=mod(ihs+9,24) jhs=mod(ihs+9,24) jhe=mod(ihs+9,24) c c Convert JST times to frame numbers c 10 call jst2fr(ihs,ims,iss,infof,ndfr1,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(ihe,ime,ise,infof,ndfr2,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(jhs,jms,jss,infof,ncfr1,istat) if ( go to 800 call jst2fr(jhe,jme,jse,infof,ncfr2,istat) if ( go to 800 c c Report what we've found so far c write (6,'(//,''The following processing will be performed:'')') write (6,'(''Frequency: 17 GHz'')') write (6,'(''Data file: '',a)') filehd(1:48) write (6,'(''Ephemeris file: '',a)') infpar(1:48) write (6,'(''Tracking info: '',a)') infof(1:48) write (6,'(''Phase diff file: '',a)') infph(1:48) write (6,'(''Start time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') ihs,ims,iss,ndfr1 write (6,'('' End time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') ihe,ime,ise,ndfr2 write (6,'('' Image increment: '',i3,'' sec'')') iminc write (6,'(''Image averaging time: '',i3,'' sec'')') imavg if (fixc.eq.'YES') then write (6,'(''Applying single calibration to the interval'')') write (6,'(''Start calibration time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') jhs,jms,jss,ncfr1 write (6,'('' End calibration time '',i2,'':'',i2,'':'',i2, & '' JST, Frame number '',i5)') jhe,jme,jse,ncfr2 else write (6,'('' Smoothing interval: '',i3, & '' sec'')') ibox end if if (amc.eq.'YES') write (6, & '(''Amplitude calibration has been disabled'',//)') if (dmpc.eq.'YES') then write (6, & '(''Dumping calibration solutions to calib.dat'')') open (unit=12,file='calib.dat',status='unknown', & form='formatted') end if if (skpo.eq.'YES') write (6, & '(''No FITS files will be produced'',//)') c c Some bookkeeping c nimg=0 do 15 i=ndfr1,ndfr2,iminc nimg=nimg+1 iimg(nimg)=i if (nimg.eq.600) then write (6,'(''Limiting number output frames to 600!'')') go to 16 end if 15 continue c c Fixed calibration interval? c 16 if (fixc.eq.'YES') then ical=ncfr2-ncfr1+1 if (amc.eq.'YES') ical=-iabs(ical) call rdcl17(iunit,filehd,ncfr1,ical,nantst,icald17,nframe) end if c c Begin major loop c jfrac=10 do 100 ii=1,nimg ifr=iimg(ii) ifrac=int(100.*ii/nimg+0.01) if ( then write (6,*) '==> ', ifrac,'% of the requested ', & 'frames have been processed ' jfrac=jfrac+10 end if ical=ibox if (amc.eq.'YES') ical=-iabs(ical) if (fixc.eq.'YES') ical=0 ifr1=ifr-imavg/2 ifr2=ifr+imavg/2 call suv17(iunit,filehd,ifr1,ifr2, - nantst,ical,icald17,rlph,ndjst,msjst, - msjsts,msjste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,flxr,flxl, - mapra,maprb,mapla,maplb,nstat) if ( go to 100 if (dmpc.eq.'YES') write (12,*) icald17 call uvcmpr(mapra,maprb,ccra,ccrb) call uvcmpr(mapla,maplb,ccla,cclb) do 20 l=1,55 do 20 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,1)=ccra(i,l) 20 continue do 30 l=1,55 do 30 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,2)=ccrb(i,l) 30 continue do 40 l=1,55 do 40 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,3)=ccla(i,l) 40 continue do 50 l=1,55 do 50 i=1,57 crlab(i,l,ii,4)=cclb(i,l) 50 continue c c Start parameters c if (ii.eq.1) then call caleph(dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - msjst,dec,ha,solr,solp,solb,az,alt,za,pmat) dec11=dec ha11=ha solr11=solr solp11=solp solb11=solb az11 =az alt11 =alt c ndut11=ndut c msut11=msut ndjst11=ndjst msjst11=msjst c c End parameters c else if (ii.eq.nimg) then call caleph(dec1,dec2,dec3,ha1,ha2,ha3, - solr1,solr2,solr3,solp1,solp2,solp3,solb1,solb2,solb3, - msjst,dec,ha,solr,solp,solb,az,alt,za,pmat) dec12=dec ha12=ha solr12=solr solp12=solp solb12=solb az12 =az alt12 =alt c ndut12=ndut c msut12=msut ndjst12=ndjst msjst12=msjst endif c 100 continue c c Skip output if desired c if (skpo.eq.'YES') go to 1000 c c Dump data to FITS files c iounit=2 nbit=-32 naxis=3 naxes(1)=57 naxes(2)=55 naxes(3)=nimg c c Time in UT c ifrm1=iimg(1) ifrm2=iimg(nimg) mh1=msjst11/10000000 mm1=mod(msjst11,10000000)/100000 ms1=mod(msjst11,100000) m1=(mh1*60+mm1)*60000+ms1 mh2=msjst12/10000000 mm2=mod(msjst12,10000000)/100000 ms2=mod(msjst12,100000) m2=(mh2*60+mm2)*60000+ms2 m=(m1+m2)/2 mh3=m/3600000 mm3=mod(m,3600000)/60000 ms3=mod(m,60000) msjst=(mh3*100+mm3)*100000+ms3 ndjst=ndjst11 c msut=msjst c ndut=ndjst c call jst2ut(ndut,msut) c c Write files c loutf=index(outf,' ')-1 do 400 i=1,4 if(i.eq.1) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'rc.fits' if(i.eq.2) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'rs.fits' if(i.eq.3) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'lc.fits' if(i.eq.4) outfft=outf(1:loutf)//'ls.fits' if(i.eq.1) dattyp='uv data(rcp,cos)' if(i.eq.2) dattyp='uv data(rcp,sin)' if(i.eq.3) dattyp='uv data(lcp,cos)' if(i.eq.4) dattyp='uv data(lcp,sin)' ipol=1-((i-1)/2)*2 do 300 l=1,nimg do 300 k=1,55 do 300 j=1,57 drlab(j,k,l)=crlab(j,k,l,i) 300 continue call ftinit(iounit,outfft,2880,istat) if ( go to 900 write(6,*) nfreq call puthdr(iounit,nbit,naxis,naxes, & ndjst,msjst,msjst11,msjst12,ifrm1,ifrm2, & ipol,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat,dattyp) call putoe1(iounit,solr11,solp11,solb11, & dec11,ha11,az11,alt11) call putoe2(iounit,solr12,solp12,solb12, & dec12,ha12,az12,alt12) call ftpdef(iounit,nbit,naxis,naxes,0,0,istat) call ftppre(iounit,0,1, & naxes(1)*naxes(2)*naxes(3),drlab,istat) call ftclos(iounit,istat) if ( go to 900 write(6,'('' File '',a40,'' written'')') outfft 400 continue go to 1000 800 write(6,'('' Bad time range specified - no frame found '')') 900 write(6,'('' istat ='',i8)') istat 1000 if (dmpc.eq.'YES') close (unit=12) stop end *********************************************************************** * suv17 - create 2-dimensional uv-map from raw data * * and calibrate * * iunit : input,integer fortran file unit number * * for raw data file * * filehd : input,character*80 raw data filename header * * nfrst : input,integer first frame number for integration * * nfrend : input,integer last frame number for integration * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * ical : input,integer calibration menu * * ical=999 : no calibration * * ical=0 : use icald as calibration data * * ical<>0 : calculate calibration data integrating * * abs(ical) frames * * if ical<0, no amplitude calibration * * icald : input,integer*2(336) initial calibration data * * : output obtained calibration data * * rlph : input,real(84) instrumental phase differences of * * antennas * * ndjst : output,integer observing date in jst (yymmdd) * * msjst : output,integer center of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * msjsts : output,integer start of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * msjste : output,integer end of observing time * * in jst (hhmmsssss) * * natt : output,integer attenuator in db * * nfalt : output,integer frequency alternation * * 0 : fix, 1 : alternate * * nfreq : output,integer observing frequency in GHz * * flxr : output,real(84) rcp total flux * * flxl : output,real(84) lcp total flux * * sumra : output,real(512,512) rcp/cos uv-map * * sumrb : output,real(512,512) rcp/sin uv-map * * sumla : output,real(512,512) lcp/cos uv-map * * sumlb : output,real(512,512) lcp/sin uv-map * * nstat : output,integer status * * 0 : all frames have been read * * 1 : there is an invalid frame; when nstat=1, other output * * is not valid * * October 13,1995 Y. Hanaoka * * Revised October 16,1996 T. Bastian * * Superceded: * ndut : output,integer observing date in ut (yymmdd) * * msut : output,integer center of observing time * * in ut (hhmmsssss) * *********************************************************************** c subroutine suv17(iunit,filehd, - nfrst,nfrend,nantst,ical,icald,rlph, - ndjst,msjst,msjsts,msjste,natt,nfalt,nfreq, - flxr,flxl,sumra,sumrb,sumla,sumlb,nstat) c character*80 filehd integer nantst(84) integer*2 icald(336),icaldc(336) real corrc(84,85),corrs(84,85),corlc(84,85),corls(84,85), - cora(512,512),corb(512,512), - flxr(84),flxl(84), - sumra(512,512),sumrb(512,512),sumla(512,512),sumlb(512,512) real calib(168),rlph(84) c c do 300 j=1,512 do 300 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=0. sumrb(i,j)=0. sumla(i,j)=0. sumlb(i,j)=0. 300 continue do 310 i=1,84 flxr(i)=0. flxl(i)=0. 310 continue c do 350 iframe=nfrst,nfrend call rddat17(iunit,filehd,iframe,iframe,nantst, - ndjst,msjst,jsts,jste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - corrc,corrs,corlc,corls,nframe) c ***** if there is a no data frame, exit ***** if (nframe.eq.0) then nstat=1 go to 900 end if c ***** start and end time of integration ***** if (iframe.eq.nfrst) then msjsts=jsts mdjsts=jsts/10000000*3600000+mod(jsts,10000000)/100000*60000 & +mod(jsts,100000) end if c if (iframe.eq.nfrend) then msjste=jste mdjste=jste/10000000*3600000+mod(jste,10000000)/100000*60000 & +mod(jste,100000) end if c ***** get calibration data and calculate r-l phase shift ***** dcns=0. dcew=0. rlns=0. rlew=0. if ( then if ( then call rdcl17(iunit,filehd,iframe, & ical,nantst,icaldc,nframe) do 580 i=1,336 580 icald(i)=icaldc(i) end if if (rlph(1).eq.0.) then call phshft(rlph,icald,rlns,rlew) c write(6,'('' phase shift ='',2f10.2)') rlns,rlew end if end if c ***** create and calibrate 2d uv-map (rcp) ***** call fi2d(corrc,corrs,cora,corb) if ( then do 600 i=1,84 600 calib(i)=real(icald(i))/100. do 610 i=85,168 610 calib(i)=real(icald(i))/10000. call addapa(cora,corb,calib,dcns,dcew) end if c do 360 i=1,84 360 flxr(i)=flxr(i)+corrc(i,85) do 370 j=1,512 do 370 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=sumra(i,j)+cora(i,j) sumrb(i,j)=sumrb(i,j)+corb(i,j) 370 continue c ***** create and calibrate 2d uv-map (lcp) ***** call fi2d(corlc,corls,cora,corb) if ( then do 620 i=1,84 620 calib(i)=real(icald(168+i))/100. do 630 i=85,168 630 calib(i)=real(icald(168+i))/10000. call addapa(cora,corb,calib,dcns+rlns,dcew+rlew) end if c do 380 i=1,84 380 flxl(i)=flxl(i)+corlc(i,85) do 390 j=1,512 do 390 i=1,512 sumla(i,j)=sumla(i,j)+cora(i,j) sumlb(i,j)=sumlb(i,j)+corb(i,j) 390 continue c 350 continue c c ***** center of the integration time ***** msjst=(mdjsts+mdjste)/2 msjst=msjst/3600000*10000000+mod(msjst,3600000)/60000*100000 - +mod(msjst,60000) c ndut=ndjst c msut=msjst c call jst2ut(ndut,msut) c ***** normalize ***** framen=real(nfrend-nfrst+1) do 700 i=1,84 flxr(i)=flxr(i)/framen flxl(i)=flxl(i)/framen 700 continue do 710 j=1,512 do 710 i=1,512 sumra(i,j)=sumra(i,j)/framen sumrb(i,j)=sumrb(i,j)/framen sumla(i,j)=sumla(i,j)/framen sumlb(i,j)=sumlb(i,j)/framen 710 continue c nstat=0 900 return end *********************************************************************** * rdcl17 - read raw heliograph data and calibrate * * iunit : input,integer fortran file unit number * * for raw data file * * filehd : input,character*80 raw data filename header * * iframe : input,integer frame number for calibration * * itgr : input,integer number of frames for integration * * if > 0, normal calibration * * if < 0, bypass amplitude calibration * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * icald : output,integer*2(336) antenna phases and gains * * nframe : output,integer number of frames which is actually * * used * * October 13,1995 Y. Hanaoka * * Revised October 16,1996 T. Bastian * *********************************************************************** c subroutine rdcl17(iunit,filehd,iframe,itgr,nantst, - icald,nframe) c character*80 filehd integer nantst(84) real corrc(84,85),corrs(84,85),corlc(84,85),corls(84,85) c integer iposns(28),iposew(57),icv(9) real phansr(200),phansl(200),phaewr(200),phaewl(200), - amansr(200),amansl(200),amaewr(200),amaewl(200) integer*2 icald(336) c data iposns/0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144/ data iposew/-160,-144,-128,-112,-96,-80,-64, - -56,-48,-40,-32, - -28,-24,-20,-16,-14,-12, - -11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144,160/ data icv/1,2,4,6,8,12,16,24,32/ c nantns=28 nantew=57 ncv=9 ampcal=itgr itgr=abs(itgr) c call rddat17(iunit,filehd,iframe-itgr/2, - iframe+itgr/2,nantst, - ndjst,msjst,jsts,jste,natt,nfalt,nfreq,nstat, - corrc,corrs,corlc,corls,nframe) inic=0 call phcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corrc,corrs,inic,phansr, - sums,nmax) call phcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corrc,corrs,inic,phaewr, - sums,nmax) if ( go to 100 call amcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corrc,corrs,inic,amansr, - sums,nmax) call amcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corrc,corrs,inic,amaewr, - sums,nmax) c 100 call phcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corlc,corls,inic,phansl, - sums,nmax) call phcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corlc,corls,inic,phaewl, - sums,nmax) if ( go to 200 call amcal(nantns,iposns,ncv,icv,1,corlc,corls,inic,amansl, - sums,nmax) call amcal(nantew,iposew,ncv,icv,2,corlc,corls,inic,amaewl, - sums,nmax) c 200 icald(1)=0 do 600 i=2,28 600 icald(i)=int(phansr(i-1)*100.) do 610 i=1,56 610 icald(i+28)=int(phaewr(i)*100.) icald(85)=10000 c do 620 i=2,28 icald(i+84)=int(amansr(i-1)*10000.) if ( icald(i+84)=10000 if (nantst(i).eq.1) icald(i+84)=0 620 continue do 630 i=1,28 icald(i+112)=int(amaewr(i)*10000.) if ( icald(i+112)=10000 if (nantst(i+56).eq.1) icald(i+112)=0 630 continue do 640 i=1,28 icald(i+140)=int(amaewr(i+28)*10000.) if ( icald(i+140)=10000 if (nantst(57-i).eq.1) icald(i+140)=0 640 continue c icald(169)=0 do 700 i=2,28 700 icald(i+168)=int(phansl(i-1)*100.) do 710 i=1,56 710 icald(i+196)=int(phaewl(i)*100.) c icald(253)=10000 do 720 i=2,28 icald(i+252)=int(amansl(i-1)*10000.) if ( icald(i+252)=10000 if (nantst(i).eq.1) icald(i+252)=0 720 continue do 730 i=1,28 icald(i+280)=int(amaewl(i)*10000.) if ( icald(i+280)=10000 if (nantst(i+56).eq.1) icald(i+280)=0 730 continue do 740 i=1,28 icald(i+308)=int(amaewl(i+28)*10000.) if ( icald(i+308)=10000 if (nantst(57-i).eq.1) icald(i+308)=0 740 continue return end c *********************************************************************** * uvcmprs - extract observable uv-points in compressed form * * coordinate of the dc component : (29,27) * * nantst : input,integer(84) antenna status * * a : input,real(512,512) cos of uv map * * b : input,real(512,512) sin of uv map * * ca: output,real(57,55) cos of uv map in compressed form * * cb: output,real(57,55) sin of uv map in compressed form * * april 19,1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine uvcmpr(a,b,ca,cb) c integer ipos(-28:28) real a(512,512),b(512,512) real ca(57,55),cb(57,55) data ipos/-160,-144,-128,-112,-96,-80,-64, - -56,-48,-40,-32, - -28,-24,-20,-16,-14,-12, - -11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1, - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, - 12,14,16,20,24,28, - 32,40,48,56, - 64,80,96,112,128,144,160/ c do 200 l=-27,27 do 200 i=-28,28 200 ca(i+29,l+28)=a(ipos(i)+257,ipos(l)+257) c do 210 l=-27,27 do 210 i=-28,28 210 cb(i+29,l+28)=b(ipos(i)+257,ipos(l)+257) c return end c *********************************************************************** * putoe1 - write initial ephemeris parameters to fits file * * iounit : input,integer fortran unit number for fits file * * solr : input,real solar radius 1.0125*optical(arcsecond) * * solp : input,real solar polar angle (degree) * * solb : input,real solar b0 (degree) * * dec : input,real declination (degree) * * ha : input,real hour angle (second) * * az : input,real azimuth (degree) * * alt : input,real altitude (second) * * april 19, 1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine putoe1(iounit,solr,solp,solb,dec,ha,az,alt) c call ftpkyf(iounit,'solr1',solr,2, - 'optical solar radius (arcsec) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solp1',solp,4, - 'solar polar angle (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solb1',solb,4, - 'solar b0 (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'dec1',dec,4, - 'declination (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'houra1',ha,2, - 'hour angle (second) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'azimuth1',az,4, - 'azimuth (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'altitud1',alt,4, - 'altitude (degree) at naxis3=1',istat) c if ( write(6,'('' putoe1 : istat ='',i6)') istat return end c *********************************************************************** * putoe2 - write final ephemeris parameters to fits file * * iounit : input,integer fortran unit number for fits file * * solr : input,real solar radius 1.0125*optical(arcsecond) * * solp : input,real solar polar angle (degree) * * solb : input,real solar b0 (degree) * * dec : input,real declination (degree) * * ha : input,real hour angle (second) * * az : input,real azimuth (degree) * * alt : input,real altitude (second) * * april 19, 1994 k. shibasaki * *********************************************************************** c subroutine putoe2(iounit,solr,solp,solb,dec,ha,az,alt) c call ftpkyf(iounit,'solr2',solr,2, - 'optical solar radius (arcsec) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solp2',solp,4, - 'solar polar angle (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'solb2',solb,4, - 'solar b0 (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'dec2',dec,4, - 'declination (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'houra2',ha,2, - 'hour angle (second) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'azimuth2',az,4, - 'azimuth (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) call ftpkyf(iounit,'altitud2',alt,4, - 'altitude (degree) at naxis3=max',istat) if ( write(6,'('' putoe2 : istat ='',i6)') istat return end c subroutine jst2fr(ih,im,is,infof,ifr,istat) character*80 infof, line itim=ih*3600+im*60+is open (11,file=infof,status='old',form='formatted') 10 read (11,'(a)',err=99) line if (line(63:67).eq.'TRACK') then read (line,'(34x,i2,i2,i2,1x,i2,i2,i2)') & jhs,jms,jss,jhe,jme,jse jtims=jhs*3600+jms*60+jss jtime=jhe*3600+jme*60+jse if ( then read (line,'(48x,i6)') ifs ifr=ifs+itim-jtims go to 100 end if end if go to 10 99 istat=1 100 close (11) return end