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: Optically-Thin Non-Thermal Gyrosynchrotron Emission : Analysis : Plot

Spectrum Analysis

By coordinating multiple frequency observation, we may dervive the spectrum of the emission. The obtained variable is $\alpha$ whose definition is

F_{\nu} \propto {\nu}^{\alpha}.

In real, $\alpha$ is not uniform over the frequencies. But the spectrum in microwave range is approximately fitted by the fucntion in the form :
F_{\nu} = \widehat{F_{\nu}}
... tn}}
& \mbox{for $\nu \gg \widehat{\nu}$}
\end{displaymath} (1)

Here are 4 fitting parameters: $\widehat{\nu}$ is turn-over frequency, $\widehat{F_{\nu}}$ is turn-over flux density, $\alpha_{\rm tk}$ is power index of low frequency side (optically thick side) and $\alpha_{\rm tn}$ is power index of high frequency side (optically thin side), respectively. The procedures are as follows: IDL> day='2000-4-8'
IDL> norp_rd_dat,day,mvd,tim,fi,fv,freq $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_rd_avg,day,timavg,fiavg,fvavg $<$CR$>$
IDL> for m=0,6 do fi(m,*)=fi(m,*)-fiavg(m) $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_alpha,freq,fi,mvd,mvdfit,alpha_tk,alpha_tn,freqpk,fluxpk $<$CR$>$
After subtracting the pre-flare flux levels (here daily averages are used), the flare fluxes are given to the IDL procedure norp_alpha. mvdfit is an array including the values of unity (1) for valid data or zero (0) for non-valid data.

Note: The fitting will usually fail in the simple manner shown here. We need (1) to take longer intergation time for getting better S/N ratio and (2) to remove the inadequate data for fitting (because, say, the emission in that frequency is not due to gyrosynchrotron). See 3.8.3 for better procedures.

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: Optically-Thin Non-Thermal Gyrosynchrotron Emission : Analysis : Plot
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日