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: Daily Averaged Flux : Database : Database

Event List

There is a data base for the events ('evx' data) from January 1990 to May 19922. In order to list them, e.g. on June 9, 1991 UT,
IDL> norp_pr_evx,'1991-06-09' $<$CR$>$
From June 5, 1991 UT to June 8, IDL> st_day='1991-06-05' $<$CR$>$
IDL> ed_day='1991-06-08' $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_pr_evx,st_day,ed_day $<$CR$>$
For only strong events which have 1000 SFU peak flux in 17GHz,
IDL> norp_pr_evx,st_day,ed_day,criterion=1000 $<$CR$>$

Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日