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Light Curves

After choosing an event for analysis, see the light curves. Calibrated data is already prepared in XDR (IDL save) format for important events. So restore it first,
IDL> file=getenv('NORP_XDR')+'/1999/08/norp19990828_0056.xdr' $<$CR$>$
IDL> restore,file $<$CR$>$
For plots,
IDL> mfreq=0 $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_plot,mfreq,mvd,tim,fi $<$CR$>$
Here mfreq is the number of the data identifying the frequency. For overplotting another frequency data,
IDL> mfreq1=1 $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_plot,mfreq1,mvd,tim,fi,/over $<$CR$>$

NRO Operator