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Daily Averaged Flux

Daily averaged flux values after choosing non-flaring-time data are installed in the database (after November 1987). These data can be used for obtaining pre-flare flux or for studying the long-term variation.

Toyokawa (1, 2, 3.75, 9.4 GHz) : Nov 1987 - Feb 1994
Toyokawa (3.75 GHz only) : Mar 1994 - Apr 1994
Nobeyama (17, 35, 80 GHz) : Mar 1990 - Feb 1994
Nobeyama (1, 2, 3.75, 9.4, 17, 35, 80 GHz) : May 1994 - Present date
Note that the data for quiet Sun are fixed for 35 GHz (2400 SFU) and 80 GHz (9000 SFU) due to their instrumental limits.

In order to read the data, e.g. from Jan 1, 1999 to Jun 30,
IDL> st_day='1999-01-01' $<$CR$>$
IDL> ed_day='1999-06-30' $<$CR$>$
IDL> norp_rd_avg,st_day,ed_day,timavg,fiavg,fvavg $<$CR$>$
for plot, e.g. of 1GHz
IDL> utplot,timavg,fiavg(0,*) $<$CR$>$
of 2GHz
IDL> utplot,timavg,fiavg(1,*) $<$CR$>$

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