pro tykw_rd_dat,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 $ ,rdfreq=rdfreq,timerange=timerange,npa=npa,raw=data0,stat=dstt $ ,usewk=usewk,dir=dir ;+ ; NAME: ; TYKW_RD_DAT ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure is for reading and calibrating the TYKW data. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tykw_rd_dat,file,file0pa,filestt,mvalid,time,data ; tykw_rd_dat,day,mvalid,time,fi,fv ; ; INPUTS: ; file: file name of TYKW data ; file0pa: file name of TYKW 0p0a data ; filestt: file name of TYKW status data ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT : ; timerange: 2-elements string array indicating the ; time range of the data to be read ; e.g. ['1998-1-1 4:00','1998-1-1 5:00'] ; ; OUTPUTS: ; mvalid: byte array indicating the data is valid or not. ; e.g. if the data(123) obtained at time(123) ; was the calibration data mvalid(123)=0. ; If the data(124) was the real Sun flux mvalid(124)=1. ; time: structure array with 'time internal format'. Time is in UT. ; data: data array ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT : ; npa: 1-dimensional integer array indicating the ATT mode ; ; HISTORY: ; 4/6/79 ver.0.0 K. Shibasaki as fortran program ; Sep. 09, 1994 ver.1.0 M. Nishio ; Jan. 10, 1995 ver.2.0 M. Nishio ; Apr. 13, 1995 ver.3.2 M. Nishio ; Apr. 13, 1995 ver.4.0 M. Nishio ; May. 23, 1995 ver.5.0 M. Nishio ; May 01, 1995 ver.5.2 M. Nishio ; Apr. 25, 1995 ver.5.0 M. Nishio ; ; 1999-01-12 ported to IDL by TY ; 1999-03-16 debug by TY ; 2000-04-11 by TY read by day ; ;- if not keyword_set(rdfreq) then rdfreq=bytarr(4)+1b freq_all=[1,2,3.75,9.4] print,arg0 ;if (n_params() eq 6) then begin ; 'file' is date if (strpos(arg0,'ty') eq -1) then begin ; 'file' is date day=arg0 ex=anytim(day,/ex) yyyy=reform(ex(6,*)) mm=reform(ex(5,*)) dd=reform(ex(4,*)) yy=yyyy-yyyy/100*100 yymmdd=$ string(transpose([[yy],[mm],[dd]]),format="(i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)") year=strtrim(string(yyyy),2) files='ty'+yymmdd+'*' if not keyword_set(dir) then begin if keyword_set(usewk) then begin dir=getenv('NORP_DWK') endif else begin dir0=getenv('NORP_RAW') dir=[dir0+'/'+year+'/'+string(mm,format="(i2.2)")] endelse endif infil=file_list(dir,files) flist=['0pa','stt'] for m=0,1 do begin pos=strpos(infil,flist(m)) whr=where(pos ne -1,count) if (count eq 0) then begin print,'Cannot read data: 0pa or stt file does not exist' mvalid=-1 arg1=mvalid return endif if (m eq 0) then file0pa=infil(whr(0)) if (m eq 1) then filestt=infil(whr(0)) endfor flist=['01','02','04','09'] exlist=bytarr(4) filist=strarr(4) fvlist=strarr(4) for m=0,3 do begin pos=strpos(infil,flist(m)+'i') whr=where(pos ne -1,count) if (count eq 0) then begin print,' '+flist(m)+'i file does not exist' goto,L100 endif filist(m)=infil(whr(0)) pos=strpos(infil,flist(m)+'v') whr=where(pos ne -1,count) if (count eq 0) then begin print,' '+flist(m)+'v file does not exist' goto,L100 endif fvlist(m)=infil(whr(0)) exlist(m)=1 L100 : endfor whr=where(rdfreq and exlist,mfx) if mfx eq 0 then goto,L200 mf=0 for m=0,3 do begin if (rdfreq(m) and exlist(m)) then begin tykw_rd_dat,filist(m),file0pa,filestt,mvd0,tim0,fi0 $ ,timerange=timerange,usewk=usewk tykw_rd_dat,fvlist(m),file0pa,filestt,mvdv,timv,fv0 $ ,timerange=timerange,usewk=usewk if (n_elements(tim0) ne n_elements(timv)) then begin print,'Warning: Number of elements different between I and V' goto,L110 endif if (mf eq 0) then begin ndx=n_elements(tim0) tim=tim0 fi=fltarr(mfx,ndx) fv=fltarr(mfx,ndx) mvalid=bytarr(mfx,ndx) freq=fltarr(mfx) endif else begin if (n_elements(tim0) ne ndx) or (n_elements(timv) ne ndx) then begin print,'Warning: Number of elements different among frequencies' goto,L110 endif endelse fi(mf,*)=fi0 fv(mf,*)=fv0 mvalid(mf,*)=mvd0 freq(mf)=freq_all(m) mf=mf+1 endif L110: endfor L200: arg1=mvalid & arg2=tim & arg3=fi & arg4=fv & arg5=freq endif else begin file=arg0 & file0pa=arg1 & filestt=arg2 infil=file fisat=9.e5 dtatt=[0,5000] ;msec dtclb=[100,3000] ;msec pfact=[2.,2.,2.58,2.] ; gain amplification ratio for V-component fimin=[280,85,80,50] dtmgn=lonarr(4,2) ;msec dtmgn(*,0)=400000 dtmgn(3,1)=20000 dtmgn(1,1)=20000 dtmgn(0,1)=600000 ; read raw data tykw_rd_rdt,file,rdata tykw_rd_0pa,file0pa,rd0pa tykw_rd_stt,filestt,rdstt mfreq =tykw_gt_mfreq(rdata) ; 0: 9G, 1: 4G, 2: 2G, 3: 1G miv =tykw_gt_miv(rdata) ; 0: I, 1: V timejo=tykw_rdt2timej(rdata) data =tykw_reform(rdata) d0pa =tykw_0pa_freq(rd0pa,mfreq) dstt =tykw_stt_freq(rdstt,mfreq) ndata=lonarr(2) ndata(0)=0 & ndata(1)=n_elements(timejo)-1 if n_elements(timerange) eq 2 then begin timejrange=anytim2ints(anytim(timerange,/yohkoh),offset=9.*60*60) norp_gt_ndata,timejrange,timejo,ndata endif ndx=ndata(1)-ndata(0)+1 timej=timejo(ndata(0):ndata(1)) time=anytim2ints(timej,offset=-9.*60.*60) ; attenuation reconstruction npa=tykw_gt_npa(timej,dstt) vatt=[1,] if (miv eq 0) then begin ; I-component att_base=d0pa.zeroi if (mfreq eq 1) then att_base=d0pa.ambi ; only for 4GHz endif else begin ; V-component att_base=d0pa.zerov if (mfreq eq 3) then att_base=-10. ; only for 1GHz if (mfreq eq 1) then att_base=d0pa.ambv ; only for 4GHz endelse data0=data(ndata(0):ndata(1)) data=(data0-att_base)*vatt(npa)+att_base ; reference is quiet sun scale=d0pa.flux/(d0pa.suni-d0pa.skyi) ; ??? maybe incorrect if (miv eq 0) then begin data=scale*(data-d0pa.skyi)(-fisat)/pfact(mfreq) endelse ; unset flag for attenuation/calibration/interuption period natti=norp_gt_natti(npa,timej,dtatt) mvalida=norp_mvalid(ndx,natti) mvalidc=tykw_mvalid_clb(timej,dstt,dtclb) mvalidi=tykw_mvalid_int(timej,d0pa) mvalid=(mvalidc and mvalida and mvalidi) if (miv eq 0) then mvalid=(mvalid and (data gt fimin(mfreq))) if 0 then begin if (ndata(0) eq 0) then begin whr=min(where(mvalid,cnt)) if cnt ge 1 then begin tstt=anytim2ints(timej(whr),offset=dtmgn(mfreq,0)*1.e-3) mstt=norp_t2i(timej.time,tstt.time) mvalid(0:mstt)=0b endif endif if (ndata(1) eq n_elements(timejo)-1) then begin whr=max(where(mvalid,cnt)) if cnt ge 1 then begin tend=anytim2ints(timej(whr),offset=-dtmgn(mfreq,1)*1.e-3) mend=norp_t2i(timej.time,tend.time) mvalid(mend:*)=0b endif endif endif arg3=mvalid & arg4=time & arg5=data endelse end