EventID : norh19980423_0541
Observer : J. Sato and T. Yokoyama
Keyword : flare
Start : 1998-04-23 05:36:18
End : 1998-04-23 06:44:56#
Peak : 1998-04-23 05:41:39
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 2128
Position : S13E91 or S18E91(SXT PFI center)
GOES : X1.2
NOAA Number : 8210
2) Strong brightness in radio map means non-thermal emission.
3) Number of SXT quarter images is large due to special table plan (thanks to SXT chief observers). Study of coronal structure in flare is possible.
4) Due to limb occulting, detailed study of loop top structure is possible.
5) One of few example of LDEs which are synthesized in YOHKOH HXT.
NRO 17/34 GHz correlation plot
Rapid increase of 17
GHz correlation data means that 17 GHz source appeared
transiently. It corresponds that radio foot point sources may be
occulted. If so, many images at many spikes may give us detailed
understanding of energy release or acceleration site.
NRO Polarimeter Data (9.4 GHz data should be corrected)
17GHz Radio Map movie
Coaligned NORH and SXT images before
impulsive phase. Left: SXT(contour) and NORH(17GHz). Middle:
NORH(17GHz). Right: SXT (Al12). Brightest region is not flaring
region. In the NORH, faint coronal structure (south) shows curious
structure such like blobs.
HXT 4 channel plot
HXR time profile shows gradual behavior and its spectrum is soft. In the begining of flare, M1 band time profile shows less spike structure compared with L band. Moreover, its count is high than usual background counts (1-2 counts/SC) .
HXT L band Images ( 157X157^M
arcsec) movie (grid line is tentative)
HXT L band source shows
obivious source motion from south to north direction.
Near the end of this flare, HXT L band
source shows two separated component. One exists in higher
Coaligned SXT(color) and HXT(contour)
Images. Left: L band (5:40:34-5:40:54), Middle: M1 band
(05:40:34-05:40:54), Right: M2 band (05:39:54-05:41:14), SXT(be
filter) observation time is 05:40:36.
Last updated on April 27, 1998