Nobeyama Radioheliograph
Event 19980521_0330
EventID : norh19980521_0330
Observer : K. Hori and H. Nakajima
Keyword : prominence eruption
Start : 1998-05-21 03:30:00
End : 1998-05-21 05:30:00
Peak : ---
Position : N35W90
GOES : ---
NOAA Number : ---
A prominence eruption was detected
with both 17GHz and 34GHz channels at the north-western limb.
A sequence of a quarter disk image during the eruption taken with 17GHz channel(I component).
Because the prominence is 'optical thick',
its brightness temperature, 1.e4 K, almost corresponds to the plasma temperature.
A projected expansion speed is almost same as electron sound speeds,
a few x 100km/s.
Color is scaled to the maximum brightness temperature in
individual images, which is located in AR8222
(about 2.5 x 10^4 K).