Nobeyama Radioheliograph
Event 19980808_0314
EventID : norh19980808_0314
Observer : Y. Hanaoka
Keyword : flare
Start : 1998-08-08 03:14:36
End : 1998-08-08 03:15:51
Peak : 1998-08-08 03:15:30
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 3738
Position : N12E70
GOES : M3.0
NOAA Number : 8299
This is a compact flare, and extremely bright in radio frequencies.
The peak value of the correlation index at 17 GHz, 0.3738, is a new high.
The peak brightness temperature at 17 GHz is 2.8x10^8 K. This is the
second highest temperature ever observed with the Nobeyama
Radioheliograph (The brightest flare is the 1992 November 2 flare; the
peak Tb is more than 10^9 K). Since the images undergo dilution by
the beam, actual peak brightness temperature is probably much higher
than this value.
GOES plot
correlation plot (17GHz/17GHz/34GHz)
17GHz image at 03:15:29 UT (peak)