Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19980915_0555

EventID : norh19980915_0555
Observer : Y. Hanaoka
Keyword : prominence eruption and flare
Start : 1998-09-15 03:40(eruption) 05:55:44(flare)
End : 1998-09-15 06:38:23(flare)
Peak : 1998-09-15 05:58:30(flare)
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 7
100msec Data Duration : ---
Position : N30 E90
GOES : C2.0
NOAA Number : ----

A prominence eruption followed by an arcade formation was observed at the north-east limb. This event took place in an active region behind the limb, and it will appear on the disk in a few days. Probably the region is the recurrent one of NOAA 8307, which has caused many X/M-class flares.

GOES plot

17GHz images

gif animation

Soft X-ray images