Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19981001_0355

EventID : norh19981001_0355
Observer : K. Hori
Keyword : small flare+other
Start : 1998-10-01 03:45:27
End : 1998-10-01 04:09:57
Peak : 1998-10-01 03:55:49
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 7
100msec Data Duration : ---
Position : N18.5E89.4
GOES : C2.1
NOAA Number : ---

Time profile of the maximum brightness-temperature from the 17GHz full sun images.
The data is plotted every 10 minutes.
17GHz full sun image. The green box shows a location of the small flare.

At the north-western limb (indicated by an orange box), a formation of a large loop system was observed.
17GHz PFI Movie taken from 6:30:00UT to 6:42:40UT on Sep. 30.

BBSO Halpha image at 16:06UT on Sep. 30.