Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990129_0200

EventID : 19990129_0200
Observer : K. Hori
Keyword : Prominence
Start : 1999-01-29 02:00
Peak :
End : 1999-01-29 04:41
Position: N45W90
GOES: --
NOAA Number: 8449

Prominence eruption -- a pair of tornades.

Full disk image at 17GHz (04:01:21UT).
FOV of the box is 10.5' x 10.5'.

BBSO Halpha image at 22:33UT on Jan 28, 1999.

17GHz Mpeg movie of the box region.
Mpeg movie 2

Partial images in the box (R+L map). Contour lines show where Tb = [1.e3,1.e4] (K).

Time evolution of the maximum brightness temperature (R+L) at 17GHz in the box.
Data points are plotted every 10 min.