Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990313_0501

EventID : 19990313_0501
Keyword : Flare
Observer: K.Hori
Start : 1999-03-13 05:01:02
Peak : 1999-03-13 05:01:06
End : 1999-03-13 05:03:10
Position: N17E50
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4): 18
GOES: --
NOAA Number: 8487

Small bursts in an R-polarized source at AR8457

Full disk image at 17GHz (04:31:21UT). FOV of the box is 8.2' x 8.2'.

Stokes I (R+L) maps in the box. Images are normalized at the max Tb of each image.

Time evolution of the maximum brightness temperature (Tb) in the box.
Data points are plotted every 10 min.