Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990313_0531

EventID : 19990313_0531
Keyword : prominence
Observer: K.Hori
Start : 1999-03-13 05:31
Peak : --
End : 1999-03-13 06:11#
Position: S45W90
Maximum Correlation : --
GOES: --
NOAA Number: --

An active prominence at the SW limb (a pat of long filament)

Time evolution of the prominence. The brightness temperature (Tb) around the footpoint increases related to the prominence's activity.
Before this activity enhancement, Tb of the prominence cloud was 4 X 10^3 (K), which is lower than 10^4 (K), the disk temperature.

17GHz Mpeg movie of the box region.

Data points are plotted every 10 min.

H alpha image at 18:55 on 1999 March 12. (BBSO)