Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990525_2304

EventID : 19990525_2304
Keyword : Flare
Observer : Y. Hanaoka
Start : 1999-05-25 23:03:46
Peak : 1999-05-25 23:04:01
End : 1999-05-25 23:05:45
Position: N20E56
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 231
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : 4.8e+06
NOAA Number: 8552

A Compact, Impulsive Flare without Soft X-ray Enhancement(?)

Correlation plots at 17 GHz (upper panel) and 34 GHz (lower panel). In the upper panel, the thick/thin line stand for RCP and LCP.

Full disk image at 17GHz (23:04:24UT).

Time evolution of the flare. The FOV of is 314" x 314".