Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990604_0551

EventID : 19990604_0551
Keyword : Preflare Ejections
Observer : K. Hori
Start : 1999-06-04 05:40
End : 1999-06-01 06:00
Position: N17W90
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : --
GOES: --
NOAA Number: 8552?

Two ejections were observed from (or around) AR8552 before an M class flare occurred at 7:00 UT.

FOV of the box is 623" x 623".

Evolution of Stokes I (R+L) map in the box. The brightness is normalized to the Max Tb in each image.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)

Time profiles of the following flare (From Nobeyama Polarimeters).

For observations at 17,35, & 80 GHz, the flare occurred during caliblations.