Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990812_0000

EventID : 19990812_0000
observer: Y. Hanaoka
Keyword : prominence eruptions
Start : 1999-08-11 22:31#
Peak : 1999-08-12 00:00
End : 1999-08-12 00:51
Position: NW limb and NE limb
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : --
GOES: --
NOAA Number: --

A Series of Prominence Eruptions

Images of a series of prominence eruptions at 17 GHz.

The first prominence eruption at the NW limb, which is denoted by an arrow in the image at 22:31 UT, has started before the beginning of our observation. The second one denoted by an arrow in the image at 23:31 is a surge-like activation. The third one, denoted by an arrow in the image at 00:11 UT, is another prominence eruption at the NW limb. A gradual brightening just on the NW limb was going on through the two eruptions at the NW limb. A splendid CME was observed by LASCO of SOHO. This is probably associated with the first prominence eruption. A geomagnetic disturbance on August 15, which is presumed to be caused by this CME, was reported.