詳報:中島 弘
Miller et al., 1997, JGR, vol. 102, 14631
"Critical issues for understanding particle acceleration
in impulsive solar flares"
速報:佐藤 淳
「Sptial Resoved Hard-X-ray Spectrum」
詳報:中島 弘
Miller et al., 1997, JGR, vol. 102, 14631
"Critical issues for understanding particle acceleration
in impulsive solar flares"
速報:横山 央明
Kulsrud, 1998, Phys. Plasmas, vo.5, 1599
"Magnetic reconnection in a magnetohydrodynamic plasma"
詳報:柴崎 清登
速報:花岡 庸一郎
「研究会報告 "ISTP/IACG Special Workshop
on Global Picture of Solar Eruptive Events"(於GSFC/NASA)」
特別講演:S. Pohjolainen (Observatorire de Paris, Section Meudon)
"Studies of the quiet and eruptive Sun
-- radio signatures in polar brightenings and coronal mass ejections"
詳報: 佐藤 淳
(2) Farnik, Hudson, Watanabe, 1997, A&Ap, vol.320, 620
"Yohkoh observations of flares with flat hard X-ray spectra"
(3) Nitta, Dennis, Kiplinger, 1990, ApJ, vol.353, 313
"X-ray Observations of Two Short But Intense Solar Flares"
速報:横山 央明
Innes & Toth, 1999, Sol. Phys., vol.185, 127
"Simulations of Small-Scale Explosive Events on the Sun"
Ofman, Nakariakov, DeForest, ApJ, 1999, vol.514, 441
"Slow Magnetosonic Waves in Coronal Plumes"
詳報: 中島 弘
Mariska, and McTiernan, 1999, ApJ, vol.514, 484
"Hard and Soft X-ray Observations of Occulted and Nonocculted
Solar Limb Flares"
速報:柴崎 清登
Tyabov et al., 1999, Sol. Phys., vol.185, 157
"Coronal Magnetography of an Active Region from
Microwave Polarization Inversion"
詳報: 堀 久仁子
Martens & Kuin, 1989, Sol. Phys., 122, 263
"A Circuit Model for Filament Eruptions and Two-Ribbon Flares"
速報:佐藤 淳
Chae et al., 1999, ApJ, 513, L75
"Extreme-Ultraviolet Jets and H-alpha Surges in Solar Microflares"
速報:中島 弘
Rieger et al., 1998, Sol. Phys., 183, 123
"Gamma-Ray Line versus Continuum Emission of
Electron-Dominated Episodes during Solar Flares"
詳報: 堀 久仁子
Martens & Kin, 1989, Sol. Phys., 122, 263
"A Circuit Model for Filament Eruptions and Two-Ribbon Flares"
速報:中島 弘
Harra-Murnion, Matthews, Hara, Ichimoto, 1999, A&Ap, 345, 1011
"Dynamics of solar active region loops"
詳報: 横山 央明
McKenzie & Hudson, 1999, preprint
"X-Ray Observations of Motions and Structure"
above a Solar Flare Arcade"
速報:横山 央明
詳報: 佐藤 淳
Mcdonald, Harra-Murnion, Culhane, 1999, Sol. Phys. 185, 323
"Nonthermal electron energy deposition in the
chromosphere and the accompanying soft X-ray flare emission"
速報:堀 久仁子
Dere et al., 1999, ApJ, 516, 465
"LASCO and EIT Observations of Helical Structure
in Coronal Mass Ejections"
詳報: 花岡 庸一郎
Matteo et al., 1999, A&Ap, 342,563
"Analysis and comparison of loop structures imaged
with NIXT and Yohkoh/SXT"
速報:佐藤 淳
Lenz et al., 1999, ApJ, 517, L155
"Temperature and Emission-Measure Profiles along Long-Lived
Solar Coronal Loops Observed
with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer"
詳報: 堀 久仁子
T.A. Kucera, V. Andretta, and A.I. Poland, 1998, Sol. phys 183, 107
"Neutral Hydrogen Column Depths in Prominences
Using EUV Absorption Features"
速報:横山 央明
Aschwanden et al., 1999, preprint
"Time Variability of the "Quiet" Sun Observed with TRACE.
II. Physical Parameters, Temperature Evolution,
and Energetics of EUV Nanoflares"
詳報: 横山 央明
速報:中島 弘
Klein, et al., 1999, A&Ap, 348, 271
"Flare-associated energetic particles in the corona and at 1AU"
特別講演:佐藤 淳
特別講演:V. Grechnev
(Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk, Russia)
詳報:中島 弘
Rieger, Treumann, Karlicky, 1999, Sol. Phys., 187, 59
"The Radio-Silent Start of an Intense Solar Gamma-Ray Flare"
速報:堀 久仁子
Vourlidas et al., 1999, preprint
"LASCO/Nancay Observations of the CME on 20 April 1998:
White-Light Sources of Type-II Radio Emission"
詳報:柴崎 清登
速報:横山 央明
Sturrock,Roald, Wolfson , 1999, ApJ, 524, L75
"Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection and Its Implication
for Coronal Heating"
特別講演:内田 豊(東京理科大学)
「Magnetodynamic Models for Arcade Flares and Activities
in Active Regions」
詳報:堀 久仁子
Antiochos, Devore, Klimchuk, 1999, ApJ, 510, 485
"A Model for Solar Coronal Mass Ejections"
速報:柴崎 清登
Schrijver et al., 1999, Sol. Phys., 187, 261 (with CD-ROM)
"A new view of the solar outer atmosphere
by Transition Region and Coronal Explorer"
特別講演:陳 鵬飛(Chen Peng Fei:南京大学/京都大学花山天文台)
「Numerical Simulations of Solar Flare」
詳報:横山 央明
Raulin et al., 1999, ApJ, 522, 547
"Multiple Components in the Millimeter Emission of a Solar Flare"
速報:中島 弘
Doschek, 1999, ApJ, 527, 426
"The Electron Temperature and Fine Structure of Soft X-Ray Solar Flares"
詳報:柴崎 清登
Schrijver et al., 1999, Sol. Phys., 187, 229
"A new view of the solar outer atmosphere
by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer"
特別講演:V. Melnikov (Radiophysical Research Institute, Russia)
「Microwave spectral evolution and electron dynamics in flare loops」
詳報:中島 弘
Metcalf and Alexander, 1999, ApJ, 522, 1108
"Coronal Trapping of Energetic Flare Particles: Yohkoh/HXT Observations"
速報:堀 久仁子
研究会「International Conference on Solar Eruptive Events」報告
特別講演:V. Melnikov (Radiophysical Research Institute, Russia)
「Spectral dynamics and spatial structure
of microwave emission during the flare of 28 August 1999」
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