Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19981218_0305

EventID : 19981218_0305
Observer : K. Hori
Keyword : Flare
Start : 1998-12-18 03:04:20
Peak : 1998-12-18 03:05:03
End : 1998-12-18 03:17:32
Position: N19E69
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 221
GOES: C3.1
NOAA Number: 8415

Small bursts associated with a small flare activity.

A full disk image observed at 17GHz (03:11:22UT). FOV of the box is 9.8' x 9.8'.

Partial image inside the box. Contour lines correspond to Tb = [1.e4, 5.e4] (K) lines.

Mpeg movie of the box region.