Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990413_0151

EventID : 19990413_0151
Keyword : Filament Eruption and Flare
Observer : Y. Hanaoka
Start : 1999-04-13T01:31:00.000Z
Peak : 1999-04-13T01:51:00.000Z
End : 1999-04-13T06:11:00.000Z
Position: N23E01
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : ---
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : 2.6e+04
NOAA Number:
Yohkoh HXT (L,M1,M2,H): (,,,)

17 GHz images of the Filament Eruption and the Flare
White arrows show the erupting filament. After the eruption of the small filament, the brighening of the flare started. the flare.