Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990814_0301

EventID : 19990814_0301
observer: Y. Hanaoka + KH
Keyword : disappearing prominence
Start : 1999-08-14 02:01
Peak : 1999-08-14 03:01
End : 1999-08-14 04:01
Position: NE limb (N27E90)
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : --
GOES: --
NOAA Number: --

Disappearing Prominence

Images of the prominence at 17 GHz.

Mpeg movie of Stokes-I (R+L) map (10 min. interval)
The temperature range 1.e3-6.e4 K is shown. The red contours represent Tb=1.e4 K.

Yohkoh SXT partial images around the region.
18:25:54 UT on Aug. 12, 1999. 08:00:54 UT on Aug. 13, 1999.