Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990817_0523

EventID : 19990817_0523
observer: Y. Hanaoka
Keyword : prominence eruption
Start : 1999-08-17 04:53
Peak : 1999-08-17 05:23
End : 1999-08-17 06:55#
Position: S34E90
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : --
GOES: --
NOAA Number: --

A Splendid Prominence Eruption

Images of a prominence eruption at 17 GHz.

A splendid prominence eruption was observed at 17 GHz. In the early phase, the prominence was ejected to the north with a high speed of about 300 km/s. A CME associated with this event was observed by LASCO of SOHO ( The solar image which is located at the lower left corner in each image is a fake one.