Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19990825_0141

EventID : 19990825_0141
Keyword : flare
Observer : KH
Start : 1999-08-25 01:41
End : 1999-08-25 02:01
Position: S25E15
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : 3 MK
GOES: M3.6
NOAA Number: 8674&8673

A short, impulsive burst near the ARs #8673 and #8674.

FOV of the box is 491" x 491".

Time evolution of the maximum Tb.
The solid line shows Max (R+L) and the dotted line shows Max (R-L).
Data points are plotted every 10 min.

Stokes I (R+L) map in the box. The brightness is normalized to the max Tb in each image.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)