Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 19991228_0111

EventID : 19991228_0111
Keyword : eruption
Observer : KH
Start: 1999-12-28 01:11
End : 1999-12-28 02:11
Position: N24W47
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : --
Maximum Brightness Temperature @17GHz : --
GOES: M1.0(01:46-01:54-02:09)
NOAA Number: 8806

The M class flare caused a fast (plasmoid or prominence) eruption.

17GHz Stokes I (R+L) map. FOV is 736" x 736".
The brightness is scaled to 2.e4 (K).
Note that Tb of the eruptive material is initially higher than disk temperature.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)

In association with the M class flare, dm, Type III & II bursts were detected by HiRAS/CRL.