Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 20000212_0405

EventID : 20000212_0405
Keyword : flare
Observer: K.Hori
Start : 2000-02-12 03:54:11
Peak : 2000-02-12 04:05:06
End : 2000-02-12 04:45:22
Position: N26W23
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 220
Maximum Brightness Temperatre @17GHz :2.6e6 (K)
GOES: M1.7
NOAA Number: 8858

A long duration M flare occurred at the AR 8858.

17GHz full disk image. FOV of the box is 314" x 314".

Time evolution of the maximum Tb (in log scale).
The solid line shows Max (R+L) and the dotted line shows Max (R-L).
Data points are plotted every 10 min.

Stokes I (R+L) map in the box. The brightness is scaled to the max Tb in each image.
The LCP(RCP) source is indicated by light blue (orange) contours.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)

Solar Flux Unit observed by the Nobeyama Polarimeter

Type II? &IV bursts were detected by HiRAS/CRL.