Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 20000225_0501

EventID : 20000225_0501
Keyword : flare+ejection
Observer: KH
Start : 2000-02-25 04:57:13
Peak : 2000-02-25 05:01:54
End : 2000-02-25 05:25:55
Position: N23W18
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) : 54
Maximum Brightness Temperatre @17GHz : 4.6e5
GOES: C4.?
NOAA Number: 8879

A C-class flare caused a plasma ejection.

17GHz full disk image. FOV of the box is 982" x 982".

Time evolution of the maximum Tb.
The solid line shows Max (R+L) and the dotted line shows Max (R-L).
Data points are plotted every 10 min.

Stokes I (R+L) map in the box. The brightness is scaled to Tb = 1.5e4 (K).
The RCP source is indicated by orange contours.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)

Note that the plasma ejected from the flare site (see arrows) is brighter (hotter)
than the helical prominence that also erupted from the north polar region.
The former is optically thin whereas the latter is optically thick.