Nobeyama Radioheliograph Event 20000226_2301

EventID : 20000226_2301
Keyword : prominence eruption
Observer: K.Hori
Start : 2000-02-26 23:01#
End : 2000-02-27 02:30
Position: N22E51
Maximum Correlation @17GHz (x10^-4) :
Maximum Brightness Temperatre @17GHz : 2.6e5
NOAA Number: 8889

A huge prominence eruption followed by an arcade formation below.

17GHz full disk image. FOV of the box is 982" x 938".

Time evolution of the maximum Tb.
The solid line shows Max (R+L) and the dotted line shows Max (R-L).
Data points are plotted every 10 min.

Note: The impulsive flare around 23:45 occurred at small AR #8879.

Stokes I (R+L) map in the box. The brightness is scaled to the maximum Tb in each image for the left row,
and is scaled to Tb = 2.e4 (K) for the right row.
The RCP (LCP) source is indicated by orange (light blue) contours.
Mpeg movie (10 min. interval)

A white light CME taken by SoHO/LASCO C3 at 07:42UT, 2000 Feburuary 27.

An EUV (195A) snapshot at 23:36UT, 2000 February 26 from SOHO/EIT.