List of Papers (NoRH) 2005

Refereed Papers

Solar radio emissions Raulin, J.-P.; Pacini, A. A. 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 739
Evidence for a solar coronal thick-target hard X-ray source observed by RHESSI Veronig, Astrid M.; Brown, John C.; Bone, Laura 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1683
Energetic electrons in impulsive solar flares: Radio diagnostics Klein, Karl-Ludwig 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1759
Recent results on solar activity at submillimeter wavelengths de Castro, C. G. Giménez; Kaufmann, P.; Raulin, J.-P. 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1769
RHESSI and radio imaging observations of microflares Kundu, M. R.; Trottet, G.; Garaimov, V. I.; Grigis, P. C.; Schmahl, E. J. 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1778
Observations of "zebra" pattern in cm-range with spatial resolution Altyntsev, Alexander T.; Kuznetsov, Alexey A.; Meshalkina, Natalya S.; Yan, Yihua 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1789
The radio signature of a kink unstable loop Wu, G. P.; Huang, G. L.; Tang, Y. H. 2005, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1795
Calculations of the low-cutoff energy of non-thermal electrons in solar microwave and hard X-ray bursts Huang, Guangli; Zhou, Aihua; Su, Yingna; Zhang, Jian 2005, New Astronomy, 10, 219
Location and parameters of a microwave millisecond spike event Huang, Guangli; Nakajima, Hiroshi 2005, Ap&SS, 295, 423
High-Cadence Radio Observations of an EIT Wave White, S. M.; Thompson, B. J. 2005, ApJ, 620, L63
Coronal Magnetography of Solar Active Region 8365 with the SSRT and NoRH Radio Heliographs Ryabov, B. I.; Maksimov, V. P.; Lesovoi, S. V.; Shibasaki, K.; Nindos, A.; Pevtsov, A. 2005, Sol. Phys., 226, 223
Energetic Electrons in Loop Top and Footpoint Microwave Sources Zhou, A. H.; Su, Y. N.; Huang, G. L. 2005, Sol. Phys., 226, 327
On the origin of microwave zebra pattern Altyntsev, A. T.; Kuznetsov, A. A.; Meshalkina, N. S.; Rudenko, G. V.; Yan, Yihua 2005, A&A, 431, 1037
Solar atmospheric model with spicules applied to radio observation Selhorst, C. L.; Silva, A. V. R.; Costa, J. E. R. 2005, A&A, 433, 365
A complex solar radio burst and the characteristics of its related microwave sources and EUV coronal loops Lin, Wang; Rui-Xiang, Xie; Min, Wang; Chun, Xu; Yu-Ying, Liu 2005, Chinese Astronomy & Astrophysics, 29, 189
Diffuse Component Spectra of Solar Active Regions at Submillimeter Wavelengths Silva, Adriana V. R.; Laganá, Tatiana F.; Castro, C. Guillermo Gimenez; Kaufmann, Pierre; Costa, Joaquim E. R.; Levato, Hugo; Rovira, Marta 2005, Sol. Phys., 227, 265
The Observational Evidence on the Loop Loop Interaction in a Flare CME Event on April 15, 1998 Wu, G. P.; Huang, G. L.; Tang, Y. H.; Xu, A. A. 2005, Sol. Phys., 227, 327
Microwave emission from the trapped and precipitated electrons in solar bursts Costa, J. E. R.; Rosal, A. C. 2005, A&A, 436, 347
Coronal Waves and Oscillations Nakariakov, Valery M.; Verwichte, Erwin 2005, Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 2, 1
Spatially resolved microwave pulsations of a flare loop Melnikov, V. F.; Reznikova, V. E.; Shibasaki, K.; Nakariakov, V. M. 2005, A&A, 439, 727
The Shrinkage of Flare Radio Loops Li, Y. P.; Gan, W. Q. 2005, ApJ, 629, L137
What determines the radio polar brightening? Selhorst, C. L.; Silva, A. V. R.; Costa, J. E. R. 2005, A&A, 440, 367
Observational Characteristics of Radio Emission Related to Multi-polar Magnetic Configuration Wang, Min; Xie, Rui-Xiang; Xu, Chun; Shi, Shuo-Biao; Yan, Yi-Hua 2005, Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 5, 508
Multiwavelength Analysis of a Solar Flare on 2002 April 15 Sui, Linhui; Holman, Gordon D.; White, Stephen M.; Zhang, Jie 2005, ApJ, 633, 1175
A Multi-Wavelength Study of the 3B/X1.2 Flare Observed on 2003 October 26 Li, Hui; Li, Jian-Ping; Fang, Cheng; Schmieder, Brigitte; Berlicki, Arkadiusz; Du, Qiu-Sheng 2005, Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 5, 645